30 September 2011
[TRANS] FM Yokohama 84.7 : Wooyoung talks about Nichkhun 7:56 PM

[NEWS] Taeyang and Jaypark Twitter Updates 9:45 AM

JAYBUMOAM: Am I an idol right now?~ Ke I want to be just Park JaeBum though~
(retweeted by Taeyang)
JAYBUMOAM: @Realtaeyang appreciate the retweet!!~ You’re great~ ke RESPECT~
Realtaeyang: @JAYBUMOAM yo hyung! I respect you a lot!!:) kk I didn’t retweet you by mistake~! Being in jaypark!! Awsome!
JAYBUMAOM: @realtaeyang that’s wassup that means a lot~ I hear you’re doing some good work right now, I’ll look forward to it!! Ke keep doin ur thang ~
Credits: @Realtaeyang, @JaybumAOM
Translation: Sara @ bigbangupdates | fuckyeahbigbangstuff
[TRANS] 2PM Fancafe Guerilla Chat Session - Taecyeon 9:42 AM
This is not the FULL chat, but Carol was awesome enough to translate most of Taec's messages. The guerilla chat was from around 7PM KST - 8PM KST. Taec went first and then Khun. It was for Hottest 3 members only! The room was only limited to 20 people though, several us tried to get in but it was full! ㅠㅠ. But luckily, we found a full transcript of the chats, so we can at least get an idea! :)

- 안녕하세요
- 저 누군지 아세요?
- 지금 저와 다른멤버 둘이 있어요
- 조금 있다가 그멤버랑 교대할거에요
- 타자가 느리다니여!
- 우선 접니다
- 내가 누군지모른다면....
- 자신이 핫티인지 다시 확인해주세요
- 자 우리 투피엠은
- 데뷔날짜가 몇일?
- 자 그럼...
- 섹고의 생일은?
- ㅋㅋㅋ
- 여기서 맞춘사람은...
- 자신이 핫티인지 다시 확인해주세요
- 자
- 난 지금 채팅을 하고 있어요
- 내가 아직도 누군지 모른다구?
- 날 모른다는 잊츄는 추방!!!!
- 사려주지...
- 저녁들은 먹었어요?
- 자 여기서 나한테 밥사달라는 사람들...
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 안돼
- 안그래도 타자느려
- 찡찡이의 매력 너 추방
- 말을 많이하라니
- 나 엠씨옥이야~
- 경주 오는사람?
- 멀다는 핑계대지마요
- 차비가 없다는 핑계 대지마요
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 레알 경주가서 경주빵먹어
- 그럼 여기서 퀴즈!
- 나는 지금 어디일까요>?
- 잊츄 개드립 추방
- 마지막 한번 남았어 잊츄
- 지켜보겠어
- 자 다시...
- 난 어디일까요:?
- 맞추는 사람에게
- 투피엠 투에이엠 레인보우 카라 애프터스쿨 주 정종철 김나영 걸스데이 가 다니는 헬스 하루 무료권 드릴게요
- 잊츄 정답
- 잊츄 나중에 팬싸인회때 나한테 얘기하삼
- 문제는 팬싸에 무조건 뽑혀야함
- 자그럼...
- 다음 질문...
- 지금 찬성이는 일본에 왜 갈까요?
- 쥬라마 같은 쥬라마 같은 쥬라마쥬라마쥬라마
- 였으면 좋겠죠?
- 잊츄는 ?살?
- 잊츄 개드립 마지막이야...
- 자 그럼...
- 나는 왜 일본에 왔다갔다 할까요?
- 아 기사 뜬겨?
- 아놔 이것참...
- ㅃ
- 빵만 굽다가 인터넷을 안 접했더니./..
- 잘못친거야
- 검색어 1위는 또 뭐여
- 수업?
- 학교 말하남?
- 조석느님은 이틈에 끼여있을지도 몰라...
- 저분은 내가 스포하지말라고 있는 컴퓨터 프로그램이에요
- 앙콘은 말이죠
- 말해드리고 싶은데
- 다음 멤버가 자기 차례라고 절 밀쳐내네요
- 자그럼
- 여러분 오늘 잘자구
- 내일도 잘자구
- 경주에서 만나용~
- ㅃㅃㅇ
- 뽀빠이!
- 뿡뿡이?
- 안녕하세요! 닉쿤입니다!
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This isn't the full chat above, only what JUNHOBRAND could translate, but she got most of it! This isn't necessarily line by line, but we'll just leave it this way! ^^ Keep in mind that this is a chatroom, much like the s-box, so he's calling people's usernames out and responding to things they're saying :)
- Hello
- Fo you know who I am?
- I am with another member
- I will be trading places with that person later on
- First off....its me...
- If you dont know who I am.....
- You must re-evaluate yourself as a Hottest
- ....okay....what is 2PM's debut day?
- Okay now... Sekgo's (JYP) birthday...
- ㅋㅋㅋ
- The person who's gotten is right so far......
- OKAY...
- I'm chatting right now
- Do you still not know who I am?
- ~and then itchu said I dont know...then he said~
- Itchu, the one who doesnt know me, you have been exiled!!!!
- You should be saved
- Have you guys eaten?
- Is there anyone who wants to give me food?
- NO
- jjing jjing charm... EXILED
- You guys talk a lot
- I talk a lot
- I'm MC OK!
- Who's coming to GyeongJu (GyeongJu Dream Concert)?
- Do not use distance as an excuse!
- Do not use transportation fare as an excuse!
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- When you go to real Gyeongju...eat Gyeongju bread
- Where am I?
- Itchu 개드립... EXILED
- Wow you have one left (chance) itchu
- Okay...again....where am I?
- Whoever gets it right will get a free coupon to spend a day at the gym that is frequented by 2PM 2AM RAINBOW KARA AFTER SCHOOL JOO JUNG JONG CHUL KIM NAYOUNG GIRLS DAY
- Itchu...you got it right!
- Itchu please claim your prize at the next fansign
- The real problem is....getting picked to go to the fansign
- Okay now....next question
- Why is Chansung now in Japan?
- jjurama like a jjurama like a jjurama *he's saying drama strangely~*
- It would be good if that was it...?
- itchu....how old are you?
- ~she said she was 19 and thats how old Chansung said she looked~
- Itchu 개드립... that better be your last
- Okay now...
- Why did I go to Japan?
- since everyone got the answer....
- Did an article get released?
- Well then........
- What's this? Number 1 search?? classes?
- Are they talking about when I went to school?
- Speaking of an encore concert....
- I want to have one but..... that's a conversation for the next member to address
- Okay...everyone have a good night...
- and tomorrow too
- See you in Gyeongju
- Bye bye
You can read translations of part of Nichkhun's chat on FOLLOWKHUN.COM! ^^
[TRANS] Dream High movie-book Vol.2 is On Sale Now 9:39 AM

May be taken out with full credits.
Annyeong, I’m Lisa! (≡^∇^≡)
This is an update after a long while♫
Having everyone wait for such a long time, at last it’s here!
Dream High movie-book Vol.2 is On Sale Now!
We are so sorry that the release has been a little late.
We have also been asked, “Is Vol.2 out yet?” by many people.
Thank you so much~~・°・(ノД`)・°・
Even though it is a little late, it has turned out to be the best Movie-book that will not betray everyone’s expectation~!!
For those that have an iPad or an iPhone, this is a must download!
Lisa, like many who has been waiting sooo long for this book is very satisfied♫
I’m especially impressed by the amount of volume that is larger than Vol.1! (≧▽≦)
In order to enjoy the whole package you would need about 1 hour. ^^
There are a lot of shots from dance scenes, singing scenes, and famous scenes too! And there are a lot of pictures too!
The present is the director’s bonus footage. This is also quite an attention. *_* NG Scenes are also included~ ^^
Furthermore, I’ve been overwhelmed by the large amount of on-the-making photos too. I unintentionally counted all of them (laughs). Tada~ there are 41 in all!! !! Through halfway of the book the there are already 32 pictures compiled in the photo album. The total amount is splendidly 73 photos. Suzy’s cute photos, Taecyeon’s playful photos…there are so many kinds of photos! I’ve came to remember it as an enjoyable photo shooting session♫
I will introduce a detailed highlight to everyone again some time <3
Please look forward to it~ (*^ー^)ノ
[INFO] 2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR in MALAYSIA, Seat Plan & Ticket Price List 9:35 AM

Stadium Negara KL (Indoor)
Date: November 25th 2011
Time: 8:30pm

* Standing Rock Zone/Rock Pitt Standing
o RM 638
* VVIP (numbered seat)
o RM 488
* VIP (numbered seat)
o RM 388
* Free Seating
o RM 188
*Exclusive of RM3 processing fee.
Priority ticket launch is scheduled on October 8th at KL VIVA HOME from 2pm until 8pm. All TM customers will enjoy 20% discount if present the latest TM bill upon ticket purchase at the launch venue. Internet booking will be made available starting from 2pm as well.
For more information, please log on to starplanet.com.my or call Star Planet at 03-92233667 / Ticket Charge 03-92228811.
*Star Planet Privilege Card - must purchase tickets via Star Planet's office. Offer starts from October 8th & limits to the first 100 tickets only.
Source: starplanet.com.my | Click HERE for Star Planet FAQ
29 September 2011
[INFO] Daum FanCafe Ranking September 2011 7:06 AM

Source: http://smtownengsub.wordpress.com
Reuploaded: Sica@mblaqattack.net
[INFO] 2PM's "Hands Up" clean version released! 7:00 AM

울려 퍼지는 음악에 맞춰
Everyone put your hands up and get your dreams up
온 세상이 함께 미쳐
Everyone put your hands up and get your dreams up
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up put, put, put, put, put
볼륨을 높여 스피커 터지도록 그리고 모두 함께 미쳐 정신 빠지도록
온 몸을 흔들어 봐 봐 아무 생각 안 나도록
오늘 모두 함께 밤 새 내 말에 동의하는 사람 만세 오늘 끝까지 계속 달려가세
이랴! 이랴! You know what I’m sayin’ 이건 귀로 듣는 피로 회복제 영양제
파티를 터트리는 기폭제 밤 새 흔들리는 불빛에 딱 어울리지 내 말 맞제
Here we go here we go 계속 달리자고
이제 겨우 열두 시 아직 해 뜰려면 멀었다고
그러니 한 번 더 채우고 다시 시작하자고
해가 뜨기 전에 절대 음악이 끊기는 일이 없게 DJ 오늘 밤을 부탁해
“오빠 믿어도 되지 OK?” Yes Sir 나는 먼저 들어갈게 이런 말이 나오는 일이 없게
물 한 잔을 다같이 들이킬게 OK 다같이 자 갈게
Don’t stop 오늘 밤은 떠오르는 모든 생각은 비워 버리고는 다같이 즐겨 봐
2PM has released a new Hands Up clean version that has surfaced on music sites for download (you can listen to a preview here...)! If you remember, Hands Up got banned for it's "mature content" because the song had mentionings of partying and alcohol and such, which means the song cannot be broadcasted before 10pm! Only a few lines have changed, which have been highlighted in red.
If you'll notice, "get your drinks up" has been changed to "get your dreams up". Khun's line changed very slightly to close to the same thing and Taec's original line was "Lets all have another glass together. One shot. Everyone let's go." and now it loosely translates to, "Let's all have a glass of water...OK together let's go!"
So be sure to listen closely next time 2PM performs "Hands Up" before 10PM on Korean television, they will most likely be singing the "clean version"! :P
[NEWS] 2PM Taecyeon to Make His First Regular Appearance in a Japanese Drama Series 6:58 AM

On September 28, it was revealed that Taecyeon of 2PM, the 6-member popular idol group originating from Korea, will be appearing in the drama serial "Boku to Star no 99 Nichi (My 99 Days with a Star)" (to air Sundays @ 9:00pm on Fuji TV) set to start on October 23 and starring actor Nishijima Hidetoshi and Korean actress Kim Tae Hee as double leads. Taecyeon, who will be appearing for the first time as a regular in a Japanese drama series, will play the role of Tae Sung, a mysterious man acquainted with a major Korean star played by Kim Tae Hee. He delightfully stated: "I'm very happy to be working with such a wonderful cast and staff for my first appearance in a Japanese drama."
This love-comedy drama with a theme of "a love so close and yet so far" is about Korean star Han Yuna (Kim) who arrives in Japan, and along with her special bodyguard who works part-time for a security firm and who is also an unappealing 40 year old bachelor, Namiki Kohei (Nishijima), the two of them become involved in rough and odd encounters for a "limited time." Unable to properly communicate with each other and under the bodyguard's contract that lasts for a limited time of "99 days," unfolds the pain and laughter of secret love, and the bonds they each have with the funky members of their families and friends.
Taecyeon, a member of 2PM who carries the nickname of "beast idols," has appeared in popular Korean dramas such as "Cinderella's Sister" (broadcasted in 2010) and "Dream High" (broadcasted in 2011). He also made a guest appearance along with his other members in the 6th episode of the drama "BOSS," which starred Amami Yuki, on May 26 of this year.
Taecyeon will act as Tae Sung, a mysterious man who is somehow connected to big star Yuna (Kim). Due to personal circumstances Tae Sung has abandoned his dreams and now carries a huge secret with him that he hasn't told anyone about. A paparazzo by the name of Hashizume (Kaname Jun) becomes involved with this secret and ends up greatly influencing the lives of the two protagonists. Meanwhile, through a complicated set of challenges his character encounters, he gets the chance to once again take up the dream he had given up when he meets Kohei's niece, Momo (Sakuraba Nanami).
Narita Kazuki, who is in charge of the drama's planning, requested for Taecyeon to act in the drama as a man who exudes a mysterious feel. "I requested Taecyeon for the role of a character who will play a hugely important part in influencing the story's two lead characters in the distant future. I'm expecting him to blow a new breeze into Japanese drama," he said, showing his confidence [in Taecyeon]. Taecyeon who enlivens the set as he is never without a bright "smile" said about himself: "I want to try my best to act well, even if it's not that good," showing his strong enthusiasm.
Source: Oricon Style
Translated by: dawnjelly @ Wild2Day.org
28 September 2011

28 SEPTEMBER 2011, MANILA: The MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and Trafficking) campaign today announced plans to hold a massive live concert in Manila on October 29 at the Mall of Asia to raise awareness and increase prevention of human trafficking.
The free outdoor concert will be headlined by Korean pop sensation, Jay Park, previously known as the leader of Korean band, 2PM. The multi-talented megastar made his first comeback performance online where his video received over 1.5 million views within 24 hours. Park is also often the number one trending topic on Twitter thanks to his enormous and committed fan base. He has collaborated with Shorty Jang-goon and Ye-eun of the Wonder Girls for the song “Jeong” featured on the KBS miniseries Conspiracy in the Court, as well as many other successful collaborations.
Joining the line-up is Californian alternative rock band, Evaline, who will ignite the MTV EXIT Live in Manila concert with a high-energy show that has rocked fans throughout the world. Evaline has recently supported mega-bands such as Coldplay, My Chemical Romance and Linkin Park.
In addition, the Philippines’ top artists will also be joining the concert, many of whom performed at the previous MTV EXIT Live in Manila concert in May 2009.
In Asia Pacific, MTV EXIT is produced by the MTV EXIT Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian Government’s Agency for International Development (AusAID).
MTV EXIT has held 26 concerts across Asia over the past two and a half years, including events in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
MTV EXIT and Visayan Forum Foundation will also be hosting a National Youth Summit for the Movement of Anti-Trafficking Advocates in the week before the concert.
Additional concert and ticketing details will be announced soon.
SOURCE: http://www.mtvexit.org/new/mtv-exit-live-in-manila/
27 September 2011
[TRANS] 2PM Nichkhun's 'Seoul Diary' Part 9 - 'Korea's love' made me an even better person 6:25 AM

In September 2008, Nichkhun and his friends who all used to be trainees together debut together as 2PM and now he felt more excited to get to work in Korea.
Even though my abilities had accumulated along with my ambitions, but out of all the foreigners who were working in Korea, I was just a foreigner from Thailand who was not yet familiar with everything. My Korean was still rough, so I did not know how I was going to go about things.
Even though I was worried about all those things, when we started working...I cannot express in words how thankful I am to Korean people.
What other foreigner can feel so touched as me? The fans and people around me who saw my ambitions instead of my faults were the ones who gave me strength. My friends 2PM who took good care of me like we were family and my friends in the company, and our fanclub who supported me to the fullest.
It was these warm hearts that gave me courage and confidence and allowed me to move forward.
I received immense love along with my dear 2PM friends not just in Korea but from all over Asia, including my Thailand.
When we see 2PM fans at airports, no matter in which country in Asia, the feeling of "is this reality?" always comes up. The touched feeling cannot be expressed in words.
Korea is a very warm hearted country. People are generous and kind to each other with "love" with no boundaries. It's a home that has captured my heart and is where I have discovered my talents that I never thought that I would have.
In the past when I was just an normal badminton athlete, I didn't think that I had an special talents in dancing, singing, and especially acting. But that JYP scouting agent turned out to be the one who saw this talent and gave me the opportunity to cast.
I never thought that I would be a celebrity but now I am a Hallyu idol star through their help.
I feel relieved and gave myself confidence that I could do anything, and to repay this immense amount of love, I will try even harder for this place that allows me to be an even better person - Korea.
Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110817n16712
Translated by Loverzai @ 2pmalways (Kor-Thai) ; whiterose @ Wild2Day.org (Thai-Eng)
[TRANS] Sony Music Shop - 2PM "I'm Your Man" Q&A 6:20 AM
CREDIT: Sony Music Shop (SOURCE) ; Ririsu@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

NAME: Junho
What is your favorite food? Bibimbap
What is your favorite Japanese word? Kakkoii (cool).
What is your recommended hotspot in Korea? Jejudo.
What is your recent “my boom”? Song composition.
What type of girl do you like? A sexy and kind type.
Message to the Japanese fans. Coming Soon! (2011.10.2up)

NAME: Wooyoung
What is your favorite food? Hitsumabushi (eel fillets cooked over with charcoal with soy flavored sauce.
What is your favorite Japanese word? Oshare (stylish).
What is your recommended hotspot in Korea? The Dalmati Gogae seashore.
What is your recent “my boom”? Japanese drama.
What type of girl do you like? Someone who does her work well.
Message to the Japanese fans. Coming Soon! (2011.10.2up)

NAME: Chansung
What is your favorite food? Kimchijeon.
What is your favorite Japanese word? “Sasaeru!!” desu (to support).
What is your recommended hotspot in Korea? Please visit “Garoseukill”!
What is your recent “my boom”? Reading and muscle training.
What type of girl do you like? A person with a pair of charming eyes and is able to understand my personality.
Message to the Japanese fans. Coming Soon! (2011.10.2up)

NAME: Taecyeon
What is your favorite food? Ramen.
What is your favorite Japanese word? Moto-Kare (ex-boyfriend).
What is your recommended hotspot in Korea? A shopping mall named COEX.
What is your recent “my boom”? Listening to I’m Your Man.
What type of girl do you like? A pure girl.
Message to the Japanese fans. Coming Soon! (2011.10.2up)

NAME: Nichkhun
What is your favorite food? Gyudon.
What is your favorite Japanese word? Doryoku (great effort, endeavor).
What is your recommended hotspot in Korea? Excersing at the Han River.
What is your recent “my boom”? Studying Japanese =)
What type of girl do you like? A cute and gentle person.
Message to the Japanese fans. Coming Soon! (2011.10.2up)

NAME: Junsu (Jun.K)
What is your favorite food? Ootoro <3 (high-quality tuna/fatty belly of a tuna).
What is your favorite Japanese word? Boku wa daijoubu. ^___^ (I'm alright)
What is your recommended hotspot in Korea? Shinsa-dong.
What is your recent “my boom”? Writing songs.
What type of girl do you like? A girl with a cute face.
Message to the Japanese fans. Coming Soon! (2011.10.2up)
26 September 2011
[TRANS] 2PM Hands Up Asia Tour in Japan – Hottest booking information 6:22 AM

Hello this is JYPE. This is the 2PM Hands Up Asia Tour in Japan – Hottest Fanclub booking information.
Place: Saitama Super Arena
Date/Time: Dec 14 (weds) 7PM
Price: 8,200 Yen / 129,000 won
Place: Marine Messe Fukuoka
Date/Time: Dec 17 (Saturday) 6PM
Price: 8,200 Yen / 129,000 won
Request method: On the Japan Concert booking thread write an informal memo (It’s only possible for one person to reserve 2 tickets for one concert day)
Request information: Name in English / Birthday as written in your citizen’s number / Phone number / purchase number
Ordering Period
Saitama: Sept 27th 10AM – Oct 4th 10PM
Fukuoka: Sept 27th 10:30AM – Oct 4th 10PM
*Entrance order will be in the order of memos written on the booking thread
*If you write on the thread before the ordering period it won’t count
Bank Acct: ShinHan Bank 110-239-954425 (Jang Seoyoon)
Deposit Period: Until Oct 5th at 2PM
(If you don’t deposit within the period your order will automatically cancelled and people on the wait list will be get a place)
For the Japanese concerts, unlike domestic concerts, you enter your name and can win them through a lottery drawing. Only for domestic Hottest will there be 100 seats held for each date and the entrance order, just like was done for the Taiwan concert, will be decided by the order of memos posted on the booking thread.
The actual booking area along with the stage set up will be given out after November. There could be changes so please check with the announcements as they come out.
Hottest, please pay attention to this.
Thank you
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/2PM/MW2U/406
Translated by mcheller @ W2D
May be taken out with credits
[VIDEO] Human Casino WOOYOUNG SUZY 6:12 AM

ซจ "ฉันเข้าบ้านก่อนนะ" อย "เข้าไปเถอะ" ------ แม่ "นี่ ทำอะไร จริงๆ เลย ใครน่ะ" อย "สวัสดีครับแม่"
Suzy: I'm going in
Woo: Ok
Mom: Yah! What are you doing, right in front of your home, the people are... Who are you?
Woo: Good evening, mother
25 September 2011
[INT] Interview ViVi Part 2 (Taecyeon, Junho, Wooyoung) 6:22 AM

JPN-Eng by SakiHA @2pmalways.com3 | Edited by Egle @2pmalways.com | Scans credit to Neruneruchan & Yooko_11 MAY BE TAKEN OUT WITH FULL CREDIT
--- What do you think about your talent?
In my case, I barely think that “I am doing perfectly”. Every time I get off the stage, I reflect on myself. I always want to show the best of what I can do. I don’t want to think like I already am doing well enough because Idon’t want to get satisfied with what I am now.
--- Were you a popular kid when you were little?
When I was little, I was just doing whatever I thought was fun. I was dancing in front of my classmates. However, I guess I had many friends saying they liked me very much… (LOL)
--- Do you observe other members?
Since we spend most of the time together, I’d say they come into my sight rather than I observe them.
---What is your personal motto?
If you work hard, there’s nothing impossible.
---You see a girl in a balcony alone at a party. What would you do?
I bring 2 glasses of wine and I get drunk and pass out first. After that?It depends on the girl. (Other members burst out laughing)
--- You chose Nichkhun for the question “Which member would you go out with?” and Nichkhun also chose you.
It was the first time that we answered that kind of question seriously. (LOL) Nichkhun has the biggest caring heart for others.
--- What is Wooyoung’s secret?
He looks so wild when he is dancing. It’s not even a secret though. (Junsu)
He stays and practices after his schedule is done and everyone else has gone home. It’s like he is still in his teens. (Taecyeon)
--- What was the toughest thing at the audition?
Basically, it was fun because I was trying my best to achieve my goal. However, it was so painful to see my friends get eliminated. I was very happy to remain with Chansung and Taecyeon though.
--- When do you think you are “wild”?
I don’t feel wildness in me these days, actually. I’m actually very quiet like a sheep. (LOL) I am still passionate about music and performance, but I’m keeping myself calm now. I think it’ll come back after a year!
--- What is your personal motto?
“Sincerity always gets through.” There is a phrase in Korea “The truth will always get through” but in my case, sincerity is what I want to pass along to others.
---You see a girl in a balcony alone at a party. What would you do?
First, I bring a glass of water for her and chat. Then I ask her to take a walk with me. Yeah, we would sneak out of the party alone.
--- When do you feel happy as a member of 2PM?
I and other artist/actor friends often get together and talk about our goals. I always feel happiness to be with the other members. We can help each other when we lack something… It’s very nice to be ina group with the others.
--- What is Junho’s secret?
When we go overseas, Junho always brings his ipad with him, writing songs and composing all of the time. His passion for music is brilliant! (Junsu)
He sings out loud while he is taking a shower. (Wooyoung)
---Do you usually lead others?
Originally, no, I haven’t. Because I have an older sister, I was likely to follow her when I was a kid. As I’ve been working with 2PM, it’s changed. To be honest, I want to lead anybody but my sister. (LOL)
--- Do you like to work out?
I don’t like it, but my body gets toned up easily. Junho started working out first, then Nichkhun, Chansung and I.
--- Do you feel fear by being famous? Or pleased?
Whether it scares me or not, I am very thankful. In Japan, many people still don’t know about us, and it reminds me of the time we made our debut back in Korea. I want more and more people to know about us!
--- When do you think you are “wild”?
When I am asleep. Somehow I strain while sleeping.
--- What is your next goal?
To get number one on Oricon Chart, to hold a concert in Tokyo Dome and to join KouhakuUtagassen!! (*One of the biggest music festivals in Japan, which is held on New Year’s Eve every year. Joining this festival means a lot to singers.)
--- What is Taecyeon’s secret?
He falls asleep as soon as he closes his eyes, and it doesn’t have to be on a bed. He can sleep anywhere. (Nichkhun)
Surprisingly, he’s widely informed. He has a deep knowledge of general intelligence and history. He studies a lot. (Junsu)
JPN-Eng by SakiHA @2pmalways.com3 | Edited by Egle @2pmalways.com | Scans credit to Neruneruchan & Yooko_11
24 September 2011
[NEWS] 3,000 pre-sale 2PM concert tickets sold out on first day 8:29 PM

Enthusiasm for South Korean boy band 2PM reached epic proportions on Saturday when 3,000 pre-sale tickets for the band's upcoming concert in Jakarta were bought up within hours of being made available.
The 1,000 pre-sale tickets for sale online all sold out within 15 minutes, while 2,000 tickets for sale in UOB Plaza, Thamrin city, sold out between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
“Both online and offline tickets sold out today,” Peter Harjani from Marygops Studios, the prompter of the 2PM’s Jakarta concert, told The Jakarta Post on Saturday.
2PM, a group consisting of Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung, will perform in their first full concert in Jakarta on Nov. 11 as part of their Hands Up Asia Tour.
They previously performed briefly in the Blackberry Live and Rockin’ Concert in March this year.
According to Peter, more tickets will go on sale on Monday or Tuesday next week. “The tickets will be sold online,” he said, adding that the promoter was preparing 5,000 tickets in total, with prices ranging from Rp 500,000 (US$57.00) to Rp 2 million.
Source: The Jakarta Post
23 September 2011
[INT] Interview ViVi Part 1 (Nichkhun, Chansung, Junsu) 11:15 PM

JPN-Eng by SakiHA @2pmalways.com3 | Edited by Egle @2pmalways.com | Scans credit to Neruneruchan & Yooko_11 MAY BE TAKEN OUT WITH FULL CREDIT
--- What is it that stands out in your memory from the trainee days?
When I couldn’t speak Korean, Taecyeon stayed with me helping to communicate with people. From Junsu, I learned a lot about singing, I would always ask him “How can you sing that well?”
--- What was the toughest thing before the debut?
I think I always was frustrated and anxious. I didn’t know anything about dancing, singing and Korean. “Why did they choose me?” I even wondered like that.
--- How did you manage to go through the tough time?
Efforts bear fruit, anyway!
--- Was it very embarrassing to rip your shirts off on stage, when you first did it?
Yes, it’s true. When I was skinny, it was so embarrassing. However, as I worked out, it soon made a difference. And I love to tone up my body.
--- What is your personal motto?
“To receive is to give.” You cannot receive anything at least you give something to others. We must give first.
---When do you think you are “wild”?
When I am working out, I always want to defeat somebody. I work hard to win.
--- What is Nichkhun’s secret?
He sleeps early. Thanks to that, I got used to going to bed early because we share one room. (Chansung)
---Do you have a confidence about your appearance?
Yes, I love the way I look. (LOL) …Reasons? Isn't it sad to hate myself? You should love yourself first!
--- You are in charge of 2PM’s “sexiness”, right?
(LOL) I like it too. I think it can also be one of the competitive characteristics to attract women.
--- Which part of 2PM’s performance do you want to improve?
In general, we are still immature, but I want to improve my talking skills and acrobatics.
--- What is your personal motto?
Before it was “We gain nothing without losing”. However, I read a book and it says “People tend to think that the world is full of bad news, and the reason why people think like that is because this world is full of happiness and lovely things.” I agree with that so my thoughts have changed. Then, I have promised myself if there something bad happens, take that with an open heart and behave positively.
--- You see a girl in a balcony alone at a party. What would you do?
I would bring healthy drink from overdrinking. We would chat for a little while and I would suggest her to lie down. (Other members oppose to lying her down!) Huh? Isn’t it a home party? Then I’d chat with her till dawn. (LOL)
---What is Chansung’s unforeseen aspect?
He reads a lot, especially books about psychology. (LOL) (Junsu)
--- Are you 2PM’s leader?
(LOL) No, I’m not. There’s no leader in 2PM. I am the main vocalist.
--- Who do you think improved the most?
I think it’s Chansung. He wasn’t really good at both dancing and singing, but as he worked hard, he became so much better.
--- When do you feel happy as a member of 2PM?
It’s been 3 years since we have debuted, and as our name is getting known well by many people, I feel a little bit more confident being a member of 2PM and growing up together. Besides, throughout our life as a group, we developed a strong bond and a caring heart for each other. It’s like I learned what a social life is from 2PM. Furthermore, I’d say I learned what being a human is.
--- Were you a delinquent before, by any chance?
Before I became a member of 2PM, I was… What should I say… I was a very quiet and earnest person. I met friends here and came out of my shell.
---When do you think you are “wild”?
I would say my wildness is my passion. When Igot into music, my passion for it was overflowing, but actually, music and I are so close thatI even feel like these days I haven’t beentoo passionate about music. However, when I did both arrangement and singing on KBS’s “Immortal Songs 2”, I stayed up all night and worked in order to make a perfect composition. I realized that I’m still so enthusiasticabout music.
---What is Junsu’s unforeseen aspect?
I thought he was just a funny person, however, recently I’ve realized how dependable of a man he really is. (Junho)
These days he is getting his individuality established. (Taecyeon)
JPN-Eng by SakiHA @2pmalways.com3 | Edited by Egle @2pmalways.com | Scans credit to Neruneruchan & Yooko_11
22 September 2011
[TRANS] 2PM Nichkhun's 'Seoul Diary' Part 8 - Trying and Trying - The Days of Growing Up 6:02 AM

When I crossed the ocean to come try to live in Korea, I thought thoroughly about the challenges. I wasn't Korean, and if I was going to get their acceptance, I would have to try very hard. Especially to get close to my fellow trainees, including 2PM and 2AM, I had to really concentrate hard on learning Korean.
Hearing Korean from TV programs and the radio helped me immensely. And if my friends said words or phrases that I wasn't familiar with, I would just ask them, and this helped a lot. But it wasn't easy...but I didn't give up. My friends and the staff saw how I tried and they gave me lots of strength.
I was very ambitious because I wanted to do this myself, no one forced me to do it, so my drive was strong. I had to work harder than others, so I concentrated hard on learning Korean and practicing.
There were no guarantees that I would be successful. Even though I may have felt I wanted to give up, but for my family that encouraged me to go to Korea, for my friends, for the company that had faith in me, and for JYP hyung, I was going to give it all I had...I was going to try and try.
After debut, I often heard the phrase "looks older than his age," but this may have been because I was an international student, and I was away from my family for a long time so it forced me to grow up quickly. I deeply pondered about my life, and it would be bad if I just stopped, so for my dream, I had to try and try to the best that I could.
JYP hyung was a very important person to me. Sometimes he felt like an other brother and sometimes I respected him like a monk. He would always say to me "Don't try to be a good person, but you have to be a good person from the beginning. There's no need to put on a show." and he also said that "Always be humble. Don't forget where you came from."
JYP hyung and I talked a lot, from everyday things to deep conversations about music and about life. I have known him for a long time, and JYP hyung will do rather than just talk.
2PM members and I say that "He really is an entertainment from heaven, and he is very ambitious." When I see something like this, it makes me want to try even harder, and makes me want to make tomorrow better than yesterday.
Source: http://www.issuedaily.com/news/news_view.p...011091222174359
Translated by Loverzai @ 2pmalways (Kor-Thai) ; whiterose @ Wild2Day.org (Thai-Eng)
[TRANS] 2PM Nichkhun's 'Seoul Diary' Part 7 -Sharing the hearts of fans... 6:00 AM

Right now, I am more popular from 'Hands Up' promotion, and I am very satisfied.
Not too long ago, Hottests (2PM's fanclub) celebrated my birthday and had given me lots of presents, and when I went to Bangkok to tape Running Man, fans that went to the filming locations also gave me a surprise birthday that I never thought I would have.
I am always thankful for my fans' considerations. The occupation of being a celebrity is a job that gets lots of love and I am very happy for all this love from people, but if we can instead give our warm hearts to others, then that has a lot more meaning to me.
Thank you to all my fans who have given me presents, but instead if we can give that interest and our hearts to little angels who are less fortunate than us and we can give them hope, that would be better.
Actually I don't really remember when I started donating and how, but my interests in these organizations was largely influenced by my mom. My parents believe that donating to others is very important, so to me this is very normal. It's not something that is a very big deal at all. At first when we first debut, I did a lot of good things with UNICEF.
Not too long ago, I invited everyone to join "B-Friend" who helps those less fortunate in Africa. Through twitter, I told everybody "Everybody is able to help others who are less fortunate in Africa through B-Friend! Come join us!! ♥" in Korean, English, Thai, and Japanese.
The wristband in the picture is a symbol. It is a campaign for starving children. Being able to support and wear this wristband to help starving children in South Africa makes my heart warm.
If I could give all the love that I have gotten from fans to the starving children in South Africa that are so far away, that would be so meaningful.
Fans are like my friends that give me so much love. It would be great if children in Africa, where there a high rates of Tetanus and who don't even have shoes on their feet, could receive the same love from these friends.
If the warm hearts of Hottests can be sent to our friends in Africa, then that would be a good thing.
Source: http://www.issuedaily.com/news/news_view.p...011091222174177
Translated by Loverzai @ 2pmalways (Kor-Thai) ; whiterose @ Wild2Day.org (Thai-Eng)
21 September 2011
[TRANS] Junho's interview from Singles Magazine, Oct 2011 5:38 AM

Excerpt from Singles Magazine, Oct 2011 issue | Kor-Eng by Haeda @2pmalways.com | Scans credit to kangri_ri
How did you spend your Chuseok holiday?
Luckily I didn't work but spent it with the family. Saw mum, dad, older sister for the first time in a while and came back a bit early because I had recordings to do. My house is in Ilsan but to come to think of it, it was my first visit since the New Years. Mum told me to come home once a month. It was nice to see all the members in a comfortable manner during promotion. Which aspects were you satisfied and unsatisfied about this album promotion?
Being comfortable was both relieving and a problem, too. I guess it's because to me I have a strong opinion of that a performance should always be like a performance but this felt more like us playing around on stage. But disregarding my worries, it was a huge success. It was kinda sad that the promotion period was short of being only a month long. Oh, and it was really strange because it always rained whenever we were promoting.
It's a song where I tried to portray the feeling of being in love. I really felt like loving someone after I had a dream that I was dating someone. And yeah, apparently there's a research that says after you've had a dream about someone you actually start to like them temporarily... Anyways I wrote this as soon as I woke up from sleep and it only took me 30 minutes. Somedays, I'd be holding onto a work for the whole day or even for months and wouldn't work out, so it was pretty amazing. Writing songs really only works when you're feeling personal about it.
Sometimes I'd suddenly come up with something while playing some piano chords or hum something in bed before sleeping and run for my phone to record it. There was a time where I was squeezing my head to remember the melody I heard in a dream. But because melodies I hear in dreams reflect scattered memories, there is a possibility of plagiarism(laughs). Usually I'd carry a notebook around and write down any words that might pop up in my head.
Lately, I've been trying not to listen to any music. You know, you can get sick of even the greatest cuisines of the world. I'm kinda like that right now. My ears get tired even when I'm listening to a great song. So I'm trying to stay away for a bit by reading books or comics instead.
Just what boys would read. I read up to volume 71 of Detective Conan . And some stupid comic called Elite Gang. I like books that I can read without thinking. I've also read the first few pages of Justice. And I've seen many books with lots of cat pictures such as Be cheerful, cat . I guess I like to see animal pictures because I like them so much.
There isn't a special reason but I've raised many animals since I was young. Chicks, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster... About a year ago, we received a kitten from someone we knew and they sent it to my mother telling her to raise it like me(own child). That's how we started raising a cat for the first time but it was truly adorable. Now I even send cat food home whenever I'm overseas. So I've become more and more fond of them because I started to like them. And also watch TV programmes about abandoned animals, too.
And you've raised your voice about it a few times.
There are so many shameless incidents that I cannot hold back myself. To kidnap and kill, or even worse incidents happen far too many times. Anybody who had the power to raise their opinion would've done the same. There are many celebrities who work with animal organisations out there. I want to go and volunteer too but don't have the time so I'm only donating small amounts right now.
The aim of today's shooting was to portray the loneliness and tiredness of people who stand on stage. When do you feel sad and lonely?
These days I do. When you're extremely busy with schedule you'd be lacking sleep but then again when you're too tired you can't actually fall asleep. So then I think about this and that while lying down. That's when I feel lonely, I think. Even if you have colleagues around you, it's still different to that feeling of loneliness from lack of love. Nowadays, I want to find something I can trust and depend on. But then I don't mean I want to be in love so desperately. I wouldn't think about it when I'm concentrating on work but when I'm by myself that's when I get lonely and, yeah.
What do you do when you're lonely?
Mindlessly read comic books or chat with the members while eating, is about it. Frankly, I want to release my stress by doing things related to hobby but there's really no time. I haven't been able to do any sports to sweat out since my debut.
What kind of student were you in school?
Introvert. I did plays in high school. Used to practice all day apart from when I had classes. When we went on church camps or school trips I'd present a few plays. I wasn't that active but definitely not passive. I started acting because I didn't like my reserved personality and I guess it helped a bit.
When did you decide to become a singer?
I really enjoyed dancing and singing even when I was in the acting club. Back then, X Man was a big hit. You know that section where the celebrities had to show off their talents, I used to watch it and copy their dances a lot.
What are the opinions of the members on their increasing individual promotions?
For the past 3 years, there was no time to think about individuals as we were so busy with just 2PM things but nowadays there are lots of discussions about this. I think that 2PM will become even stronger if the members can have the power to stand on their own without having to break away from the group. There will be members involved in Japanese dramas in the future and actively take part in their fields of interest. Now is the beginning.
Which area do you want to try out apart from 2PM promotions?
As a singer I would like to try going solo and because I'm a little greedy, I have dreams about acting, too. You portray a strong emotion during a short amount of time on the stage as a singer, but acting is another different field. There are parts where you have to deliver your emotions through your eyes rather than speaking or through sounds. I think of every opportunity such as this shooting today a chance to learn about it, bit by bit. Oh yeah, I've thought about doing the narration for documentaries, too. I have the confidence that I can do anything if I had the chance. I am quite emotional so I do have ups and downs a lot. When I'm feeling good I think that everything is easy but when I'm depressed I don't wanna do anything at all.
When you're on a variety show, do you prepare lots by studying your script or become spontaneous?
I used to get cut out all the time on variety shows such as Family Outing during our first album promotion. Because I worked hard, and only hard, not thinking about the overall atmosphere. I guess it's all because I had no 'sense' and was boring but nowadays I just don't think about other people and do whatever I do normally. I do go overboard at times on 2PM SHOW, because it has our name in it and I feel responsible about it. That's how 'Ambitious Junho' came about. 2PM SHOW has no script so we talk about anything. Literally anything. Variety shows work well when you feel comfortable so I don't prepare too much for it but it definitely is a lot harder than singing or acting.
Nowadays, people 'win' with their character(personality). Do you have any special characteristics you would like to have? You're quite well known as the go-hard person.
Whenever at an interview people tell me I'm a go-hard person but that's too boring. I'm not gonna do it anymore(laughs). One character I envy is someone like Khun. A character where one spoken word is stronger than a hundred words of other people. But then Khun doesn't like it that much because people see him only as a pretty boy. That's something only the person experiencing it would know, so we understand each other.
Do you normally observe and assess yourself?
I used to think that because I'm 'this' kind of person, I have to act this way, so there were parts where I had trouble trying out new things at times. Now I just want to leave it to the 'flow' and not think like the past. Rather than drawing a line, I'm trying to find more about myself by trying new things.
Comparing to living your life as just Lee Junho and the 2PM Lee Junho of now, are there any changes?
I used to be a real quiet person but I've become a lot more brighter than before. My father is from Jeonranamdo and is very serious. I also follow his traits of being boring(laughs). I saw somewhere that sons become like their fathers and meet a partner who is like their mother. So the point is, I used to be a quiet person but did say what was necessary, then picked up a few more words since I started promoting on television.
Anything you've become highly interested in lately?
Thoughts of going on a vacation? I want to hire a camping car, grab a camera and travel all over the country because I've been having trouble writing lyrics and melodies lately. I used to like taking photographs but now I'm at a stage where even pressing the shutter button is so troublesome because we're so busy. Right now I just want to rest. Not just doing nothing but to build my knowledge I guess? I want to see the world.
What do you talk about when you're with friends?
I'm the one who usually listens to friends. It's more like counseling for friends that want to step in to the entertainment industry. This question is asked by the journalist next to me. How do you take care of your 'cute duck-butt'?
My parents gave it to me. Even if I lose weight my bottom stays the same. One time I seriously tried to lose my bottom weight but it was still 'alive' despite losing all the muscles in my body. Not only the fat but I think it's the bone structure. Rather than taking care of it, I guess I'm just born with it. How do you think of your appearance as a singer?
Not bad. Sometimes I think I'm really handsome but then at other times I don't know why I look like this. Thoughts change everyday. What is the most important aspect of a singer?
To a singer, singing is the ultimate aspect. What kind of person would you like to be in the future?
A person who has no regrets and knows how to let go. Often you think of the past and blame yourself for making regrets but past is a past and if you keep lingering onto it there would be no progress. I just want to show my true abilities by not getting swept by the surroundings. What is your next goal?
To let myself known, bit by bit, through both 2PM and solo promotions.
Kor-Eng by Haeda @2pmalways.com | Scans credit to kangri_ri
20 September 2011
[TRANS] Thai - Korean translator's short 2PM fanaccount from 2PM's Guerilla Concert in Thailand 4:36 AM

A few fanaccount tweets from one of the Thai - Korean translators team regarding 2PM in Thailand this past weekend for the MBC KPOP Roadshow Dance Cover Festival!
(2) had to run and search for the manager’s bag (perhaps) to bring another CD to replace the current one. The program was changed from 2 songs + LipSync to 6 songs (approximately) and live singing instead. :)
This decision is made by 2PM and their manager solely so the performing cues were messed up - -“
The PD said that even at MuCore or at other gigs they usually perform only 2-3 songs only. Three is really the maximum. But on that night at the free concert, they performed 5-6 songs and this has happened because of the fans and the boys. Thank you very much.
While we were in the car someone rambled (probably Junsu) “Whenever we come to Thailand it always rains. We should change our group name from 2PM to 비PM” ( (Bi) = 비= Rain)
May be taken out with full credits.
[TRANS] 2PM Flies to Thailand to be Judges in the "Kpop Cover Dance Festival 2011" 4:31 AM

18 September 2011 at 15:30 at the Thailand Cultural Center at the Srinakarintornwirote University, 'Idol Beasts' 2PM have flown to Thailand to be judges in the Kpop Cover Dance Festival to find the best teenagers from all over the world who love and are interested in Cover Dance. They are competing to win the chance to join the "Hallyu Dream Festival 2011" on October 1-3, 2011 at Gyeongju Indoor Stadium. At the end of the event, 2PM also performed 'Hands Up' to please Thai fans who were cheering throughout the hall.
The Kpop Cover Dance Festival 2011 is a competition of cover dances from Korean singers, and is the largest stage in the world. It will be a highlight of the Hallyu Dream Festival 2011, which is the concert that is the hottest in Korea. It will include many stages, including the Hallyu Dream Concert, the international Cover Dance competition, Meet & Greet of the most famous artists in Korea, a fashion show, and a movie. This whole festival will include everything all in one place, at Gyeongju, which used to be the capital of the Korean peninsula and has a history over 1,000 years.
The Kpop Cover Dance Festival is an event to celebrate the popularity of the Korean culture, music, and artists. This gives a stage to fans who are interested in Cover Dance from around the world, gives them a chance to show off their skills and compete. Those who are interested can send in a video of their team for audition and can apply to be a part of the competition at http://www.coverdance.org, and judges will select teams from the audition. Representatives from each country will be selected to perform on stage at the Hallyu Dream Festival 2011 with all expenses paid for airfare, hotel, travel, food, and drinks. And special prize will be given to the winner, which is the chance to work in the Korean entertainment industry.
More pictures here.
Source: http://www.pingbook.com/news/view.php?id=13856
Translated by whiterose @ Wild2Day.org
[INT] JYP interview from JoseiSeven 4:30 AM

Source: 유키 @whattimeisitnow | Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways
JYP about the boys (from JoseiSeven)
Nichkhun must be the brightest person so far I have met among the artists. He’s not captivated by easily acquired fame and money, and his greatest strength is that he can easily determine what really matters the most.
He’s simple and honest. He is a loveable person, who honestly and sometimes naively tries his best.
The difference or a gap between Taecyeon’s excellence and the things he’s lacking is very adorable. He might be acting very sexy on stage, but in reality he’s the most simple-hearted and genuine of them all.
There’s a word in Korean “kki” (끼) which means "natural talent“. It refers to naturally gifted artists, and this boy has that kind of talent. He‘ll be become a great entertainer, if he manages to break through his shell.
Junsu is a dinstinctive personality already. As a person from Daegu, he has a unique accent. He was hiding it, but during one variety show, he went and used it all out unawares. After that day, he discarded all the boundaries, and it became an honest part of him to the very core of his songs.
Even thinking of him moves a corner in my heart.“For a celebrity it’s better to be unattractive than to look like someone else.” It really hurt to see him agonize over certain things.
19 September 2011
[TRANS] 2PM Nichkhun's 'Seoul Diary' Parts 3 & 4 8:40 AM

"That day my friends and I heard that there was going to be a Hallyu Festival in LA so we went to watch it. At the concert, there were lots of famous singers like GOD and lots of casting agents from various Korean companies. One of my friends who was Korean went to go talk to the casting team from JYP Entertainment and my friend said that he gave them a picture of me and told them my story. They said that they saw my star potential. At that time, I had to finish a badminton tour and could not meet them until 9pm."
But the casting team would not give up and waited for Nichkhun and quickly auditioned him for fear that another agency would take him.
"They kept calling me and asking me to audition so finally I met with the JYP casting agent at a Starbucks quietly and he had me sing, dance, and pose like a model."

I danced along with the song at the coffee shop. I was so confused. I wasn't prepared to sing or dance at all. But the power inside me was finally accepted. (smiles)"
The JYP casting agent fell for Nichkhun's charms and because he was afraid another agency would try to get Nichkhun, he quickly sent the audition video to the main headquarters in Seoul.
He didn't have time to feel excited or nervous for too long because an response came back that he could not have imagined. JYP said that he did not pass; although he had a good image, but it was hard to become a singer, but through the strong persuasions of the casting agent, JYP finally accepted Nichkhun.

"I actually just found out about JYP's initial decision not to accept me not too long ago. Now when JYP talks about that time he would say 'My decision back then was really wrong' and then would smile.
At the time, it was true that I had passed to first audition, but I myself did not have much interest int he entertainment field. Like I said before, I couldn't dance, I couldn't sing, and I had never acted before. Going to the second audition would mean that I had to be far from my friends, my family, and had to go live in Korea, which I had never been to by myself. I was really worried about this."
And another obstacle that Nichkhun and the JYP casting agent faced was to convince his parents to let him go to Korea. Nichkhun himself was doubting his courage to face this new challenge in a country that he was unfamiliar with.
"I was more curious than hopeful about this entertainment company called 'JYP Entertainment' that was so insistent on having me audition. I thought 'Why do they want me? I don't know anything'"

The JYP casting agent met with Nichkhun and his mom and told them about the background of the audition process and what would happen after that. So that solved one problem easily. At last the final decision was up to his mom and dad because they knew of Nichkhun's worries and hesitancy. And it was because of his family's words that encouraged him to take the challenge.
"Before I made my final decision, I heard a lot of suggestions from my family, especially my grandmother because she liked Rain, who used to be under JYP Entertainment. At that time Rain was very popular in Thailand and America and so that was comforting and pushed me to go for it. 'Then I guess I'm going to Korea!' (smiles)"
Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110803n15088, http://news.nate.com/view/20110805n13484
Translated by Loverzai @ 2pmalways (Kor-Thai) ; whiterose @ Wild2Day.org (Thai-Eng)