
19 March 2010

[INFO] 100318 An account of Jaebum during high school

I went to the same high school as Jaebum.

I never really had interest in celebrities. (If you're wondering why I'm even writing this, you'll know if you read till the end)
It wasn't only Jaebum who attended our school, Choi Siwon of Super Junior also went to our school. I've seen them close up many times but I never bothered to get their signature. I've also seen the model Jung Ee Chul around, but never thought of getting his signature either. Even though our school had a celebrity atmosphere feel to it, I never really thought much about it.

With that being said, at our school there were also a few students who were aspiring actors, but their image wasn't so great so my interest for them became less and less.
When I say that, I meant they just mucked around way too much. Hehe. I'm a quiet type.
I heard there was a trainee too, but I didn't have much interest about that either.

One day, I went to the cafeteria with my friend, and this guy beside me said.
"Could you pass the milkshake". The accent sounded like he was a native from the States, and me and friend were so shocked that we just stared at him. Back then we didn't know anything so we just thought he liked to excessively roll his words hahaha, but it ended up being Jaebum. When I turned back to see him,
He was standing very close to me. Maybe 30cm apart? Haha
Jaebum's skin was really clean. I can confirm it. He doesn't even have any flaws just under his nose. His face was cleaner than a girl's. With that being said, he wanted a milkshake. Isn't that cute? T_T

Back then we didn't even know the guy was the Jaebum trainee, so whenever we saw him we always said "Hey that's milkshake boy, milkshake boy" hahaha : - )
There is only one reason for someone like me who has no interest in celebrities to clearly remember him haha. He was milkshake boy hahaha.

From then on we had always called him the milkshake boy haha.
Whenever I saw him, he'd always have earphones on.
And whenever he didn't have earphones on, he'd always be moving his hands around and practicing his rapping hehehe. From seeing that image of him, I always thought he was a bit weird.

And he always wore a uniform too big for his body (Usually people wear it to fit them, but he never really cared. So I just thought he must like hip hop a lot haha)
He'd also put in a lot of wax in his hair hehe explosive spikes hahah it was really untidy. But the important thing is that he was much quieter than the other aspiring actors in the school.

He was very vivid to the eyes. The image of him rapping away and moving hands around T_T;; to be honest back in those days I thought he was a funny guy.
Lastly, he used to wear a lot of black singlets hahahaahaha. Our summer uniform used to be light blue and I remember being able to see his black singlet underneath hehehe
Later on when I hear more anecdotes about Jaebum from past students I'll write again hehehe

(It was only when my friend left a comment in my guest book saying 'Hey that milkshake boy is 2PM Jaebum' when I found out Jaebum was milkshake boy heh heh heh heh)
(This really is a pointless story haha I wanted to tell everybody that he liked milkshakes so much that I couldn't resist but type this hehehe I hope you had fun reading this hehehe)
(I didn't see him that often hehe It was just from time to time when we pointed out milkshake boy and that scene at the cafeteria was quite memorable heh To be honest I only like tall guys so I paid no attention to him whatsoever. I am heavily regretting that now. T_T)

My post isn't that great but I think it would be good if you thought of it as another confirmation of Jaebum's high school life : - )
The other past students who wrote about him only rapping all the time is really true.
The point I really want to emphasize isn't about the milkshake haha but no matter if people were staring at him or not, he always practiced his rapping and was always listening to music.
Even though I was a student who did not know Jaebum well, I can still remember that Jaebum liked music a lot…
A kid who was sincere about his dreams…..
The reason why I have caught interest in the whole situation and now a fan of Jaebum is that the Jaebum I remember was someone who was very sincere about his dreams.
Jaebum was not only good at dancing but he also had great potential to sing…. It makes me feel bitter T_T

Since Jaebum is not active in Korea anymore… there may be a few people out there who will definitely lose interest in Jaebum but,
I really hope that you will forever remember Jaebum as someone who worked really hard for his dreams T_T
I kept modifying this post and now it's turned into a huge post hehe I'm sorry hehe

May be taken out with full credits.


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