
02 April 2010

[NEWS] 100402 Fans reply to Jaebum's rap on YouTube with their song 'Way to Go! (Be Strong!)'


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최근 온라인 동영상을 통해 랩 실력을 자랑한 재범을 위해 팬들이 답가를 만들어 눈길을 끈다.

재범 팬들은 지난달 28일 'way to go!(힘내!)'라는 제목의 답가를 만들어 이를 동영상 전문 사이트인 유투브에 게재했다.

가사를 살펴보면 2PM에서 영구 탈퇴한 재범을 위로하는 내용으로, 탈퇴 후 여러가지 소문과 구설수에 시달렸던 그를 걱정하는 가사가 주를 이루고 있다.

'소문은 자유로운데 모르겠어. 진실은 어딘지. 힘을 내라고 말해줄께. 그 미소 지켜줘. 널 지켜줄거야'는 등의 가사가 눈에 띈다.

앞서 재범은 지난달 15일 유투브를 통해 오랜만에 모습을 드러내 팬들의 환호를 받은 바 있다. 이 동영상은 높은 조회수를 기록, 외신에 보도되는 등 화제를 모았다.

A song reply that fans posted up on YouTube for Jaebum, who recently showed his rap skills in another video, is attracting attention.

Jaebum fans posted up a song they made called 'Way to Go!(Be Strong!)' on a video portal called YouTube on 28th, last month.

If one was to observe the lyrics, it is mostly composed of showing their worry about Jaebum, who permanently quit from 2PM, and then going through many rumors and false thoughts since.

Lyrics like 'The rumors are freely moving. But we don't know where the truth is. We'll tell you to be strong. Please protect that smile. We'll protect you' capture attention.

Before this, Jaebum was applauded by his fans by making an appearance through YouTube on the 15th. This video recorded a very high number of views, as well as becoming a topic on foreign media.

Also the original video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3HysWNBu5o

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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