
08 May 2010

[Eng Recaps] 100507 2PM Onstyle 'Style magazine 2010'

alt Female narrator talks about the concept of this CK photoshoot, denim jeans, 2pm charms, summer colletions etc.

alt She said 2PM have good face, good body good in everything

alt The stylist says that 2pm showed really interesting appearance in the first photoshoot so bla bla bla

alt Then after half-naked Taec part stylist says that women find men's lower abdomen and bones very sexy so yeah.. Taec got exposed again.

Khun plays rock-paper-scissors with the staff and when she hits him he says "you caught that on camera? Fine, broadcast it on the show" but when he wins, hegoes: naaah, I don't hit women

Then after Khun/Junho/Wooyoung part, it's like "resting time" and they check on what they do during break
Junsu - listening to music
Khun - chitchats
Chan - sends text messages
Junho - gaming
Taec - Internet shopping (as expected - Oktizen lol)
Wooyoung - reading (caps: wow~) (the book is about Michael Jackson from fans)
Part 2/2


credit : feonibi 
alt Wooyoung suddenly became friends with photographer Jo Sunhee's son who was on the set
WY: "next time we see each other, you have to greet hyung"
Kid: "nah~"
WY: "you have to greet like this *waves*, we're friends now. WOO-YOUNG. Wooyoung-ie hyung. So you have to say "Wooyoung-ie hyung hi~"
Kid: *@$&^(@*^%(&^
alt Then it's swimming pool part and stylist talks how primary colored swimming suits with certain prints look youthful and stuff bla bla bla

Junsu got a personal shooting with wet jeans

The narrator said even though during shoot their all cool and stuff but during break they're innocent and all

Junsu and Chansung posing with the puppy /miau.
alt Junho with cats said he loved cats. He was told if he pat somewehre near the cat's tail, it feels love. Junho enjoyed doing that.

In the final scene with Chansung, Nichkhun and Taecyeong, the photographer tells Chansung to lower his pants

The show ends with the lady voice over: "What kind of style they will show in the future..."

Eng Summary recaps by Egle @2pmalways.com | Coordinator: Cassina @2pmalways.com


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