
09 May 2010

[FANACCOUNT] 100509 Another fanaccount of Korean Night in Vancouver

I went and arrived home at around 10PM. I was going to write my account tomorrow but since I don't even have photos and since you guys might be curious (kekeke) I'll write one now.

Because it's LOVE&RESPECT hehehe

At the venue we really couldn't take any photos or film any videos. I was in the middle center so I was sitting fairly close to the front (I was able to see his face clearly)

But even though during the second part they told us not to take any pictures, the moment AOM and another team came on stage, suddenly all these staff members started coming out from the back, walking on the isles, with 3-4 people on each isle, warning people not to take pictures and other times taking the camera off of the person…. Me, I went by Jaebum's request and just put my camera and just focused on my screaming kekekke but my voice got buried and the screaming was to the point where I was nearly going deaf, it was no joke. Anyway like the other person said, he was wearing a white t-shirt with a gorilla design on it and b-boyed…. and yes…. the abs…. I saw them kekekke yes… I liked it kekeke

Anyway, I was sitting so close that I was able to see his pore-less skin and his lip licking chronic disease as well as his spins. The whole stage itself just seemed like it was wholly fixed on Jaebum.

When b-boying, he was in the center, even in the ending, he was in the center kekeke center Park is the truth kekeke

Also at the end when they were about to get off stage, right at the front a woman came running out and stood right below the stage and called out to Jaebum. Jaebum turned around and kept walking but in the last minute he ran back and kneeled down since she was below the stage, and the woman said something in his ear while Jaebum nodded… and then the woman give him a hug.. well anyway they had a conversation for a few seconds. I didn't see it so I'm not completely sure, but the people behind me said she got his signature..(I'm not sure about this..) and also while they were having the conversation some fans threw a pink plaqard onto the stage. A Black Mamba member took it. I'm sure he gave it to Jaebum afterwards. And also after the performance ended, 2 Black Mamber members came on stage for a 2 minute talk about the photos (a heavy consequence may result so please we beg you to delete the photos). People were saying Jaebum's stage was a bit shorter than expected, and thought he would at least come out to greet us so they screamed "Park Jaebum! Park Jaebum!", and the Black Mamber member lifted up the placard he was holding onto before. The placard said "Ba Jaebum, prosper",,, The whole audience, koreans, whites, girls and boys screamed endlessly (siren-like screaming kekeke)

I'm not sure if the Black Mamba member really didn't know or he was just joking, but he said "But this person left out the K (in Park)" and the audience were shouting "That's right too!!!!!" kekeke The people in front of me said "It's because Jaebum spelt it like that", but in the end instead of Jaebum coming out, the MCs came out instead and said the event is coming to a close, got a bit shocked, and went back in. From hearing it from others, it seems like the movie associates were going to strictly regulate the situation. A sunbae from when I was in middle school was a staff member and they said Jaebum signed onto the event when he came to Vancouver for the b-boy competition, but there was a condition that no photo, videos and signatures were allowed. That's why the poster for the event just said 'AOM' without any special information or photos. He didn't even get to greet before leaving. But the funny thing is that this 'Korean Night' event is held every year, and even though the staff members go around selling the tickets there are always tickets left. But a few days ago when Jaebum wrote the information at midnight on Thursday in Vancouver time (same time as Seattle). Saying that he was performing in Vancouver and even wrote down the address kekeke I had already bought my ticket before Thursday, but my friend was trying to get a ticket so she called them on Friday, and the staff said that they were selling tickets at a usual rate but then suddenly!!!!! all the tickets had sold out by Thursday evening kekekke so they said she has to directly go to the theater to buy the ticket kekeke this too is the JAY EFFECT!!!!!!!!!! kekekekke well, it wasn't a long event but it was still enjoyable.

+After the event, in the beginning they were trying to sell tickets for the after party and just wrote "The guests are coming", but since only a few people were interested, in the end they wrote "AOM are also coming. AOM are coming!! You must come!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!!" which was funny kekeke

+Ah! Also there are a few people who were curious about Jaebum waving his hands to tell people not to take photos. I watched the performance from the start till the end. I also had a seat so close I could see his face clearly. From what I saw, Jaebum did nothing like that. That's the same for the other members. They were all too busy b-boying and flying around kekeke I think people were getting confused with the dance choreography. The talk about the photos was said after the performance was over. There were foreign people there as well so they explained it both in Korean and English.


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