
21 June 2010

[NEWS] 100621 Interview with DR Music, T-ae's agency, regarding Hype Nation, Jay, and promotions

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The following is an interview with an associate of DR Music, the company in charge of promoting Hype Nation and T-ae's agency.

- We heard that DR Music is participating in the actual production of the movie.

That is not true. The representative of the Hype Nation production team and DR Music's Yoon Deungryong representative are very close friends and so it became a cooperative effort since they work in the same fields. DR Music is not participating in the production of the movie. However, since the movie is about dance, we have been taking part in decisions regarding music and star castings.

- The fact that the production company is not so well known has aroused the curiosity of many fans.

The production company of Hype Nation has the same name as the movie, Hype Nation. We first attract the investors and divide the profits once the movie has been produced. It's a kind of investment fund and culture company (SPC) in one. This system is very American.

- The movie is called a Korean-American joint project movie but where have you been attracting the most investments and how high is the level of participation from the Korean staff members?

Investments were first received from CJ Venture Capital which was then used to create a production company under the name of Hype Nation. Afterwards, it is expected for producer Jason Lee to process everything under his direction. Engineers, directors, and producers are all Americans that have had their skills/talents recognized in America. The second half of the movie production and the 3D filming will be done with Korean technology, not American staff members.

- Over 70% of the filming will take place in Korea but the actual amount of time spent filming in the nation is quite short.

Yes, we've planned to begin filming on the 22nd but it can be delayed. Regardless, it will begin this week. It will be a tight schedule for about two or so months. We're thinking of staying a little over 80 days in Korea. Jaebum, who a lot of people are interested in, will be filming about 10~15 insertions. The rest of the actors will film in order and will stay for the entire two months. The last 20~30% of the movie will be filmed internationally and will be finished with a crank up. As you all know, this movie is a b-boy movie and so the majority of the scenes will take place in a b-boy competition which does not require a lot of location changes. Two months is more than enough time.

- It's a bit surprising that Jaebum was cast. We're curious how it was decided to cast him.

I don't know him that well so I'm not sure. I met him for the first time through this movie...

- Have you talked to Jaebum? How are his facial expressions or overall atmosphere?

I think I know what you're trying to ask but I would like to say that he is completely absorbed with his movie preparations. He's got more passion than anyone else and he's really trying his best in preparation. There is no official schedule for the filming but there will be a production conference to introduce the first half of the movie. We will see you then.

- The fact that a girl group member that hasn't even debuted yet is participating in this movie is quite unusual.

T-ae has two years of trainee experience under her belt and will appear in this movie as the only female role. She's also a b-girl. Although she won't be showing off any hardcore dance moves, she will be showing off her personal feel through her dance.


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