
05 August 2010

[TWITTER] 100805

100805 (Cont'd)

12:40 KWON #NOWPLAYING Overboard(Feat.Jessica Jarrell)- Justin Bieber
12:47 KWON 2AM Cafe Latte~~~ CF models !! http://tweetphoto.com/36900104
12:50 NAMYONG @ KWON advertisement schedule... you know.... ㅠ
13:27 SEULONG Have a cup of Americano ke
14:12 CHANGMIN http://yfrog.com/i3x21j keke I'm taking care of my nails ㅎㅅㅎ;; Men should take care of themselves♬
14:26 JUNSU 36 hrs of filming...Ending now...Should sleep...
15:42 SEULONG you're hot, right ㅠㅠ I came out after eating keke http://twitpic.com/2bqidq
16:15 KWON @ SEULONG you're long.. (t/n: in response to his last tweet)
16:28 SEULONG @ KWON Kwon-ah, your proportions are good !
19:03 KWON @ SEULONG OngSeulie-hyung.... ㅎ ㅡㅎ thanks
19:15 KWON I got an "I AM" henna tattoo on my shoulder http://tweetphoto.com/36943602
19:20 KWON the name of 2AM's fanclub is I AM !!^^*
20:20 KWON I believe expressing emotions is important even in singing. Music, acting, art connect each emotion.."I look at a role or a work with my heart rather than my head." Wonbin-hyung's acting has emotion stuck properly in his heart..

Source http://twitter.com/wild2day/oneday
Translated by melodygreenleaf, khy127 @ W2D


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