
13 October 2010

[CJ Card] Taecyeon, right in front of your eyes


Scene#1 On Air
From Director Ryu Seungwan to Seo Inyoung, Rain, Chun Jung Myung, Tiger JK and Jang Mihee. CJ ONE Life Story Spot series with the best contemporary stars managed to raise a huge interest from the viewers. With the memories of meeting of this generation’s strong female icon Seo Inyoung still fresh in my recollections, this time as ONE reporter I’ve met the powerful man icon at CJ ONE Story Spot CF shooting – beastly idol Taecyeon.

-skip paragraph about how good CJ card is-

Scene#2 Finding the Beastly Idol

A capture of chocolate abs from afar! Is this the si… six pack that I’ve only heard of so far? It was slightly awkward seeing things like that face to face in a shooting area, but when you’re close enough to touch your heart just bursts! There’s nothing else left but to blush when even one single cut transmits the calm and overflowing charisma and charm of the beastly idol. Everyone is bound to experience unconditional admiration with their mouths open when they notice the harmony of chocolate abs and perfect black suit. You understand why he is called the beastly idol once you see how his gaze changes with every “cut” shout from the director.

Scene #3 Snap! Snap! Finger flipping sound reaching your ears

You suddenly hear “Snap! Snap!”. The shooting concept for today is finger flip. Camera moves fast according to the snap of the fingers. To think someone could make such a strong and charismatic impression with just a snap of one’s fingers! I wonder what kind of video will be made from these shots. Compared to the sunny shooting with Seo Inyoung, the completely dark setting of Taecyeon’s CF part gives away a feeling of strong male charisma.


The pleasant funny guy who would make the staff members laugh during every small break between shooting with his body-gags and funny dances! However, once the camera lights are on again, he drops the funny façade and enters the sexy and confident mode, overflowing with charm which you are able to feel really fast. Once again you hear him flip his fingers and snap! Snap!


Scene#4 Becoming an Idol Icon
Standing at 185cm tall, equipped with perfect muscles, it’s hard to believe he was born in 1988. No matter how you look at it, Taecyeon has an admirable body. When I first saw 2PM on TV, I thought Taecyeon was just a good looking idol, good at dancing. However, later on various variety programs I got to see his diverse talent, humour, overflowing cuteness and quite recently in the drama – his emotional and frank acting. As I watch Taecyeon doing various activities all over the place as he takes up one challenge after the other, it feels like little by little he’s leaving the idol concept behind and becoming an icon. The versatile and handsome Ok Taecyeon.

-skip last paragraph about how once again CJ card is awesome-


Source: Blog.naver

Trans by Egle @2pmalways


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