Back when they were shouting out 10 out of 10. 2PM was a new rookie group filled with passion. They grabbed attention with impressive acrobatic choreography. But that was it. They were far from success. In a market filled with idols, it was hard to engrave their group image into people's heads with only youth, high spirit and acrobatics.
'Beastly-dol' was what put 'that' 2PM into the summit. They boasted their masculinity while shouting out "Listen to my heartbeat". They succeeded by putting a line through a market full of 'pretty' boys as 'beastly-dols'. Of course there were some worries. They couldn't be stuck in the same image forever.
The answer to development. 2PM found it between '10 out of 10' and 'Heartbeat'. They kept their strong, masculine image while still enjoying their youth and high spirits. The result of this was their new regular album 'Hands Up', after 8 months of waiting. They are planning to show off their new charms through a newly attempted club music.
"We weren't afraid of changes. In fact, we were afraid of becoming stuck inside the 'beastly-dol' image. We do feel pressured about revealing new music. But we're more excited about it rather than worried. It's a chance for us to show both the freeness like our debut song and the strength of a beastly-dol. You'll be able to feel a more developed and matured '2PM'." (2PM)
We met the six men who have come forward with their second regular album. The men who I want to steal with attractions I want to steal, were stolen.
◆ You debuted with '10 out of 10'. But the result wasn't too fancy. Your acrobatic choreography of high level of difficulty was . But JYP's style of strong lyrics and simple melody was . (Both lyrics from 10 out of 10)
But amongst all that you still had some good results. I must admit you guys really enjoyed your performances. You found your high spirits like your debut through your new title song, 'Hands Up'. It's a new challenge to go back to how you felt in your rookie days and aim for 10 points again.
"Our debut song '10 out of 10' has a story of young men who have just turned 20. It was a song that really fit us well. It's a time when you start getting interested in women. I think it's important that music goes well with your age. 'Hands Up' is like an extension of that. We tried to show a more matured youth since we're in our mid 20s. Freely enjoying at a club sort of feeling." (Taecyeon)
◆ 'Hands Up' is a club style music. It's an upbeat song for the first time since '10 out 10'. Powerful beat and choreography easy enough to follow. This is a plan to enjoy with the audience with friendly melody.
They have an aim of showing each members' new charms through a stage full of liberty that's . In other words, they only aim for . (lyrics from 10 out of 10) The key point to perfection is in their hearts. They are ready to pour all their passion as it's a similar style to their debut song.
"The song 'Hands Up' was actually finished a year ago. When it was first revealed people immediately told us that it had a similar feel to '10 out of 10'. I guess it's because both songs have a similarity that they're upbeat and enjoyable. So we feel we need to be a bit more different on stage. We want to show 2PM's true passion and high spirits like our starting days." (Junho)
◆ The main image of '2PM' is 'Beastly-dol'. They showed strong masculinity through 'Heartbeat'. Differentiation is what put them on the top spot amongst the 'pretty' boys. It was visually striking especially with their group choreography and strong smokey makeup.
They ripped their shirts, showed their well-built six packs and absorbed 'nuna' fans in their 20s~30s. However, the image of 'beastly-dols' had its ups and downs. It was a barrier for '2PM' who could only . (lyrics from Heartbeat)
"It's an honour we earned the title 'Beastly-dol'. But it's true that was also a pressure for us, too. Because it's difficult an artist to show another side of them if they keep sticking to one image. We knew there'll always be a point where we become stuck if we kept going with just more powerful performance and stronger visuals. We didn't want to be stuck in the frame of 'beastly-dols'. So we pursued for a change. We broke the stereotype with club music." (Chansung)
◆ But it doesn't mean they completely let go of 'beastly-dols'. They're planning to keep their strong energy till the very end. Members explain their even still. (lyrics from Hearbeat)
On the other hand, they've put in a lot of effort to show their maturity through enjoyable music. Not just something that people watch and listen to but music that the crowd can breathe together and enjoy together with the artist. Their biggest difference was in their choreography to fit the 'togetherness'. They are planning to show the extremity of what 'freedom' means.
"We've always wanted to do this kind of music. Still keeping the energy and pace of 'beastly-dol' but presenting a more fun stage to our fans. In other words, 'beasts who know how to play'. Choreography's the same. For example, Junho starts singing and I go put my arm around his shoulders. These little things show freedom I guess. We will still show our emotional sides through practiced and perfect group routine." (Wooyoung)
◆ They weren't afraid of changing. They're actually all looking forward to enjoying themselves while shouting 'Hands Up'. It's true they were pressured but excitement of changing overcame their fears.
'2PM's thoughts are they wouldn't have developed if it wasn't for the changes. 3 years after debut. They are at a crossroad between to simply stay as an 'idol' or to move on as an 'artist'. to be developed. (lyrics from Hands Up) Each and everyone of '2PM' are striving to show their maturity.
"It is said that you hit a crisis moment in your 3rd year in the 'idol' world. It's a time when you stand at a crossroad: to simply remain as an idol or to show some courage and reveal what kind of music you really want to do. We huddled together even more because we were at a stage where finding our real selves was important. In that perspective, 'Hands Up' is the music that shows our maturity. We agree that because we're going through a time where we're kind of in our "teen" stage as a group where development is happening, so maturity will naturally be revealed in our freedom. Please look forward to our development." (Junsu, Junho, Nichkhun)
◆ They're thinking of bigger stages for further developments. '2PM' is planning to put main focus in Japanese market in 2011. THey also have plans for the world market after a successful time in Japan. They have hopes to extend their area furthermore from Asia into Europe and even to South America.
They are planning their future and dreaming of when . (lyrics from Hands Up) They have high hopes for making their dream real when they see their international fans. Of course, 'SM Town' in Paris was a big stimulation and encouragement for them.
"First of all, we want to be acknowledged in Asia. So we're planning to definitely mark our place in Japan this year. We do have Europe, South America and other countries in our minds, too. We don't think it's not at all impossible when we receive SNS messages, see flashmob videos from fans all over the world. We got encouraged by the successful concert of 'SM Town' in Paris and that we can do it, too. But it doesn't just happen because you think about it. We need time to show the evolving '2PM' and eventually we'll be able to conquer Asia and the even the whole world." (2PM)
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