
02 April 2010

[INFO] 100329 A Fan's Open Letter to 6PM

I translated this because in the 2PM community on bestiz, it is hard to get 10 recs, but this post received 49 recs.


I just can't understand.

You, the members, have been saying, “The personal life in which he did something a human should not do; something unspeakable," and that it was for the best, that your silence shows your loyalty to Park Jaebum even though it has turned him into international trash with all sorts of rumors flying about. Yes, what a tear-inducing friendship.

Even though you are hearing words like, “Traitor-dol, Icon of Betrayal, psychopath, idiot, insane”, and more, you, the members, are saying that this is the best way to go for the Jaebum hyung that you all love. How incredibly admirable you are.

I don’t know what claims you had to make that “noble” decision to “keep your silence”, but it brings tears of gratitude again and again.

You, the members, said that the awe-inspiring reason of why it is not right to criticize the morality of someone who has done something bad is because even robbers have friends.

You, the members, said that you tried to stay together, but because he did something that would create cause for social criticism, you made the decision that he was unfit to be the leader of group 2PM. Even though it almost ripped your hearts out and made you crazy, but unfortunately, without a choice, truly, without a choice, you said that that was the decision that you guys had to make. You, the members, between heart and heart have said that you seven are one and you will forever be and to not be suspicious of your friendship.

If that is true, if I were you,

I would want to see Jaebum hyung a lot.
I would really, really want to see him.

That one member that said that fans were only with him for a mere year and eight months while you were all with him from three to five years, and if so, more than the fans that barely knew him for two years, you would hurt more and would want to see him more, but the hyung, Park Jaebum, that you all love and respect so, so much, you have not seen him since last September 8th.

You were all busy, you had no time, the conditions would not allow you to, you had no money, it was too far, you were mindful of the press, and you thought that it would create too much noise, and the company would not allow you to, would you try using these unbelievable reasons?

You, the members, have said that you will continue to say that you miss Jaebum hyung… If you had the will, it was possible. During those six months in Seattle, after he was treated like a he was part of an insect collection, because you would know better than us the state in which he was living, you cannot do this.

If you guys are at least “human”, if you at least had “manners” and “affection”, you cannot have done this.
The hyung that was the team’s leader, the one that you are keeping your hearts, you have not met up with him at least once to try and find a solution. What country’s methodology and common sense is this?

Park Jaebum was abandoned because of his unforgivable personal life and at the least, as humans, did you guys not think to feel sorry for him at all?

You said that your hearts heart so, so much, that you felt like you were standing outside during winter without clothing, that you were in pain and hurting, from beginning to end, you guys continuously said pitiful things , but you did not make the smallest humane act at all.

The fans who only knew him for a mere two years were hurting [for him] so they were buying plane tickets and rushing to Seattle, and like someone said, in a world where you can buy a ticket and the very next day get on an airplane and fly to that destination, it is not like anybody is tying you guys down.

Hyung, it is okay…
Could you have not hugged him tightly and comforted him?
Because he is the hyung you guys still love and respect so much.

However, you did not even do the bare minimum and go to him.
This just shows that you did not have the will or even felt the need or desire to go.

Even if he really did have that type of personal life, you, of all people, should not have done this. You really should not have done this. If you are really human, you cannot have done this. How could you not go to see him at least once before ending everything? How could you do this?

This is why you are the human trash.

Even if Park Jaebum did something “a human should not do in [his] personal life”.

On your own, you just proved that you are the human trash.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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