
27 April 2010

[INFO] 100426 Although Bumtists have the hardest love, they're the happiest fans

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These fans may have the hardest love but they are the happiest fans - Shyu Shyu goddesses [ Park Jaebum fans]

We thought we too could be happy like every other fan.
We sincerely love 2PM too
We thought we could be happy for liking the singers we like.

For someone who was born and raised in America, who hadn't been used to the Korean culture,
Caused by a few words said by a Korean-American during these tough days,
He became the scapegoat of witch-hunting and returned to Seattle.
Because of this, people who have lived the foreign life as well as Korean Americans were saddened and shocked.
Korean Americans are Koreans too.
Korean Americans love Korea too, and are proud of being a Korean.
This situation makes the Korean Americans afraid.
If we go to Korea maybe nobody will want us there.
It's not like the Americans thought of me as American.
Would the Koreans think of me as foreigners.

Even still, Park Jin Young said himself on a TV program that Jaebum will come back,
and since the other members kept referring to Jaebum,
the fans thought he would definitely come back, and waited patiently.

The tragedy that happened on the internet after the conference.
2PM withdrawal, and dodgy personal life.
It wasn't not a problem of legal issues, but a morally bad personal problem.
After that they felt disappointment.
A lot of people seemed to be in misunderstanding.

We were not only angry because of Park Jaebum's withdrawal.
It was because of the attitude towards the fans during the conference that got us angry.

As much as we believed, they betrayed.
And we waited for Jaebum.
At the same time, having doubtful thoughts on whether Jaebum's personal life really was the problem.

But Jaebum said it himself directly via Youtube.
That he doesn't have girl problems like Kobe Bryant.
That his personal life isn't like that.

I'm a good person. I would never do anything bad to you.
And I'll keep believing in you (fans) even when I'm gone.
I will take on all the hurt by myself
-Lyrics directly written by Jaebum for Nothing On You cover-

About me:
First of all I would like to say a thank you to everyone
I'm thankful that my family, friends, and crew have been taking care of me so well.
I thought you might like to see me singing and rapping so I made one, a Youtube account. And also let's all smile and try our best and fighting. You don't have to write anything bad ^ㅠ^.

*Youtube comments*
-Jaebum's youtube profile at the time-
Jaebum wanted to communicate with the fans.

- Hope you do good at the event<3
I'll always be supporting you<3

-I'll be looking forward to the 23rd!
Even if you're busy, take care of your health and eat well!! ^_^

-Jaebum~~~! Hope you have a good day today ^ㅠ^

-Jaebum are you busy from work? It's good if you're busy ^^ But please come on here more often ^ㅠ^ Still love you~~

-Jaebum !!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Why… are you so busy lately ~~~? Cause of the song thing~~~? I saw your video !!! You were laughing and stuff ^^^^^*
You look so great I'm so happy !!! And also ..I'll believe the movie talk if you say it yourself !!

-It says you last logged in 2 days ago!!! ㅠㅠ You must be busy..
Anyway always take care of your health~~~


We communicated with Jaebum even through a thin internet line.

Have you ever thought about this?
The distance between Jaebum and the Korean fans.
8315.04 km.

But even with that said, we are still happy.
Because he is a singer we sincerely love.

Even with one internet line, we are still fans of our singer.
We miss seeing him on TV programs so much,
But our longing goes away when we watch the Youtube videos he puts up.

Even though we're sad that he doesn't appear on music shows like other singers,
When we watch the Youtube videos of his dancing and singing directly himself,
The sadness goes away. And we become happy.

Thinking about it, this is such a weird situation that you can't even explain properly.
To have over 10000 fans just by using the internet..

But even still, we are happy.
Even though he's far away,
and the fact that we can only see him via Youtube is so regretful,

Jaebum and his fans are happy.
Because the fans have a singer who sincerely loves them.
Because the singer has fans who sincerely love him.

International fan


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