
27 April 2010

[INFO] 100426 Please support Jay, StirfryTV, and Collabo

Credit: EyesOnFire05 @ 2OD

Hello everyone, although I must be working on my research paper, I just got to spread this news to you all.
SOME PEOPLE are FLAGGING Jay's vid, StirfryTV interview, and collaboration vid.
I can very well guess who these trolls people might be, but I just won't say it. ^_^

Because someone flagged them, people who did not log in cannot watch the vids
and if you have your safey mode on,
then you won't be able to watch their vids unless you uncheck the safety mode setting.

Here is the StirfryTV interview uploaded again by awesome StirfryTV staffs.

Please watch once again and show the JAY EFFECT!

My special condolence to trolls/haters:
GTH. ^_^

Excuse my laugauge, now I must talk to YT for accepting these absurd flags
because as far as I know, YT has to accept these flags before they take in effect.
+woot! why don't we all talk? Let's send emails to YT, ask WTH is going on.


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