
10 May 2010

[INFO] 100510 2PM's Daum YOZM questions and answers interview

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Star Interview
Star Yozm?

What is 2PM doing lately now that they are back with their 3rd single album?

Please ask whatever you are curious about through yozm. Anything about the six great lives of the men, their music, and stories with each other. Thirty of your questions will be chosen by yozm and yozm will meet with 2PM in person in order to ask your questions!

Question Time: 2010 4 26 - 5 1
Questions Chosen: 2010 5 3
Interview: 2010 5 7

Junsu was not present at the interview due to his knee.

Q: Which member takes care of you the most when you're sick?

Junho: Khun hyung takes care of us the most and talks to us often.
Khun: Because I love you.
Taecyeon: You don't usually say that! ^^

Q: Any thoughts about your win on M Countdown? hehe

Junho: We heard about the win right before we were to leave for America at the airport. We were able to leave with happy feelings.
Taecyeon: There were a lot of things that happened before our comeback, and also a lot of sad events in society so we were worried before our comeback. But being able to win #1 during such hard times is really honorable for me and I was truly thankful for my fans. And although our bodies were headed to America, we wanted to hurry and come back in order to meet our fans and show them a better side of us through broadcasts.

Q: Ok Taecyeon-ssi, your acting in your drama is amazing. I'm curious as to whether the other members are planning any acting or variety activities.^^

Taecyeon: Everyone that's currently a fixed cast on a variety or drama will continue to do so but please anticipate our members appearing in a more variety of variety shows!

Q: Are there any acting plans for the other members?

Chansung: There aren't any plans but... a lot of ambition. ^^ I really want to try my best when given the chance. I am practicing hard!

Q: But Chansung-ssi, you are Taecyeon's senior in acting!

Chansung: I think I've taken too long of a break to call myself his senior. It's kind of embarrassing to say so.

Q: I've been watching Cinderella Sister a lot lately and I was surprised at how natural Taecyeon's acting was. Do you practice your script in your dorm with the other members? If you do, which member helps you the most?

Taecyeon: Wooyoung and Chansung help me the most. It seems as if we're playing around but I memorize my script and they answer back. Wooyoung acted the part of little Jungwoo a lot. Chansung also acted the part of Kihoon.
Chansung: Next time, I want to play the role of Eunjo.
Taecyeon: Don't, I can't concentrate!

Q: Ah, then the other members must have improved their acting too.

Taecyeon: More like comedy skits. When we act by ourselves, it turns into a sitcom.

Q: What CF would you like to shoot?

Khun: I really want to try a car CF.
Junho: I want to try yellow... milk! ^^; I really liked that milk ever since I was young so I'd love to try once.
Taecyeon: Bank, apartment!
Junho: Card? Electric appliances?

Q: Speaking of CFs, I heard that you shot one for a water park. Did you have fun?

All: No, it was too cold.
Taecyeon: We shot another one as an extra but we had to go underwater at 5 AM in order to shoot a night scene. It was too cold.
Khun: It also rained that day too.
Junho: And the next day, our voices turned really weird. (The members' voices were also a bit husky on the day of the interview)
Chansung: It was hard because we had to get hit with the rain as we were filming. If the weather was a bit nicer, we could've played a bit while recording. It was disappointing.

Q: If you could raise a pet in your dorm, what would you like to raise? Dog? Cat?

All: Cat!

Q: Looks like you all like the style of a cat better than a dog.

Junho: Chansung and I would rather raise a cat. We're working outside more than we're ever home so we we'd like to raise a pet that doesn't get lonely too often when left by itself. And dogs can get depressed. But I don't think it's respectful to the animal if we were to raise a pet in our dorm.

Q: Do you not like pets?

Taecyeon: I have bad memories about cats from my childhood so I don't honestly want to raise any.

Q: Which member wakes up the earliest?

Taecyeon: We don't have a night timers. They all wake up when you wake them up.

Q: Is there anyone that wakes up first?

Junho: Wooyoung usually wakes up early.
Wooyoung: Nah, the manager hyung wakes up the earliest.

Q: Seeing as how you all wake up early, is there a member you have to wake several times before they get up?

All: (Pointing to Junsu's empty spot) Yes, there is.
Junho: That's why you shouldn't be absent! ^^

Q: Which member sleeps the latest?

Taecyeon: We all sleep late.

Q: Which member cooks the best in the dorm?

Taecyeon: I don't normally cook, but when we're 'really' hungry, I cook.
Chansung: Taecyeon hyung has a sense about cooking. He even cooks us dumpling soup. Is that it?
Junho: Cooking with instant dumplings, that's cooking too, right? ^^

Q: Then is there a member that takes care of you when you're hungry?

Taecyeon: Honestly, we're on a lot of diets and have to control what we eat so we eat a lot of sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes and chicken breast.
Chansung: Yes, we only eat those two when we're being told what to eat. Sometimes we steam it and sometimes the dorm maid cooks it for us.

Q: Will you ever come to Japan? Your Japanese fans are waiting~

Junho: We want to go too!
Wooyoung: If we get the chance, we'd love to go. We want to see them too.

Q: You guys have a lot of international fans...

Chansung: I think they come to see us often.
Taecyeon: We went to shoot a program called Superstar Survival in Thailand for the first time. We weren't even singers then but there was someone that became my fan. After I became 2PM and went back to Thailand, she became a journalist. There's some fans that we can talk to closely.

Q: Khun-ssi has a lot of Thai fans right?

Khun: I'm thankful that people know me in Thailand.
Taecyeon: We are giving our best to our Korean promotions but would love to be given the chance to work overseas. We will work hard!

Q: 2PM's ideal women? I'm curious keke

Junho: We've never revealed our ideal women, but since it's unrealistic, nobody would believe us anyway.
Taecyeon: I don't think mine's changed that much from what I said when we debuted.
Wooyoung: Instead of an ideal woman, I like the feel of women like Jung Ryeowon. Someone that doesn't have to wear a lot of make up. I like natural styles.
Khun: Nice and pretty girl? I don't have an ideal woman. Just someone that feels nice?
Chansung: We don't talk about this often amongst ourselves... Nothing special.
Taecyeon: Yes, well.. Instead of a particular style, we go for the feel of the girl so anyone our hearts go to naturally is okay.

Q: Taecyeon~ Do the other members monitor your acting for you?? I want to know what the reactions are for each for member. ^^

Wooyoung: Yes! I'm a total fan of Taecyeon hyung's drama.
Chansung: Inside our company, that drama gets a rating of 90%. The other 10% is for Seulong hyung's drama? Anyways, we're total fans.

Q: Do you ever give cold criticisms for the drama?

Wooyoung: I think that he's great at acting!
Junho: I think it's easier for me to concentrate because the 'Jungwoo' character is so different from the Taecyeon we see on stage. But there's a lot of attributes about the character that are in line with Taecyeon hyung.
Wooyoung: I think the innocent image matches him well in his daily life too.

Q: Any plans for a concert?

Taecyeon: We would like the chance for one. I think that there will be good news about it soon. A singer being able to open his own concert is every singer's dream. We will one day!!! meet the fans in a concert hall. You will come see us, right?

Q: What will you show for your solo stage?

All: Secret!

Q: Which members are the best and worst at sports?

Junho: We don't exercise often.
Taecyeon: We play basketball sometimes but we all suck at it. When we do play, we all sweat a lot and work really hard but we're not good.
Chansung: You know... there's something like, when you combine all of the people that suck into one group, it's more thrilling and competitive.
Taecyeon: Kim Taewoo hyung once asked us to come play basketball with him, but we thought we might be a disturbance to him so we rejected.

Q: When you go visit countries like Thailand, do you swim in the hotel?

All: We like playing in the water!
Wooyoung: Junho knows how to swim so he's good. Taecyeon hyung's good too.
Junho: I learned it for 3 years so it's really fun.
Taecyeon: I don't think we're good at ball games.
Junho: Bowling is okay, I think I'm good at it! But regardless of the sport, I think that as long as we're together, we have the confidence to do well. Because we all suck. ^^
Wooyoung: It's not that we suck at sports, it's just that we lack the experience and we're not sure of the other members' sports skills.
Junho: Ah, that's right. Wooyoung and I learned how to play soccer a long time ago so we know how to play a bit.
Taecyeon: I played soccer once with Junsu hyung but Junsu hyung told me straight up, "Ah, Taecyeon sucks at soccer."
Chansung: What's important is that Taecyeon was the captain of a soccer team in America!!!

Q: Your promotions are in line with the other top stars (Rain, Hyori, Super Junior, etc). How does that feeling? (Do well, 2PM!)

Junho: I think that it's an honor to even be able to promote at the same time as Rain and Hyori. And the fans see our seniors and us together so we're thankful for that too. I think that this round of promotions helped us mature a lot.
Taecyeon: The situation's the same as when we debuted with '10/10.' Two years ago, Rain senior was promoting 'Rainism' while Hyori senior was promoting 'U Go Girl.' It's an honor to be able to promote with them again.

Q: Then do you still go to their waiting rooms to greet them?

Junho: Yes. We even greeted them today. Not only our seniors, but we even gave autographed CDs to rookies too. Going to them first and greeting them makes us all feel good.

Q: They say that May is the month of events and family. The 8th especially is parents' day. What gift would you like to give your parents?

Taecyeon: My parents came from America for a bit. It'd nice if I could meet them but I have a lot of schedules so I'm not sure.
Junho: I called them. We're thinking of bringing all of our families together for a meal when the time is right.
Chansung: I, too, can only let them hear my voice.

Q: Which celebrities are you close with?

All: 2AM.
Wooyoung: Park Jinyoung? Wonder Girls?
Taecyeon: I think we're all friends with the panelists on our fixed programs. I've gotten close with the other actors.
Junho: Yes, I'm close with Dream Team!
Chansung: Ah, I'm close with Beast! A few of them practiced with us.

Q: Who is your idol amongst other singers?

Wooyoung: Michael Jackson.
Junho: Usher or Kanye West.
Chansung: I love Rain hyung, personally. When I think of my trainee days, I remember when Rain would come to the company and just train even on days when he didn't have schedules. Whenever I see that, I wonder if we'll be able to one day be able to reach his position and maintain it. He really tries his best, I respect him.
Taecyeon: I think he's the one that paved the road for us to follow as juniors. He's really amazing. We all respect Rain hyung.

Q: What do you do in the waiting room?

Taecyeon: We prepare our hair and make up. Sometimes we sit and listen to music, eat, or sometimes game.
Q: What kind of games?
Junho: Chansung shoots music videos. If the waiting time is exceptionally long, I'll play with my hand held games. I do it alone. Even if we want to watch TV, Chansung is usually playing a game that's connected to it so we can't. But it's okay. But Chansung plays games by himself. He's a mania for games so he loves playing unpopular ones.

Q: What do you wear when you sleep?

Wooyoung: Comfortable sweat suits.
Junho: I always have to wear shorts when I sleep. Shorts and a tshirt.
Chansung: I wear sweat pants and a soft tshirt.
Taecyeon: Last night, I slept topless and in jeans.
Chansung: I think he was really tired last night. Sometimes he falls asleep with his laptop on his chest.
Taecyeon: I think Junsu hyung is the only one that wears pajamas. Junsu hyung likes silk pajamas. He likes the feel of it.
Wooyoung: What's important is that Junsu hyung must wear his pajamas and play on the computer for 3 hours before bed.

Q: I said something wrong and got made fun of yesterday. T_T I'm a bit sensitive so I still remember it. Which member is the most timid?

Taecyeon: Now, 1, 2, 3! Junho!
Junho: Ah, I don't think so. I don't think it's Junho.
Taecyeon: Oh yeah, Junsu and Junho. The Jun brothers are a bit timid.

Q: Why are the Jun brothers timid?

Junho: I don't think the members know what timid means!
Chansung: We were interviewing Hyori senior during a music program today and Junho was standing next to her. His face got red.
Junho: That's not because I'm timid, it's because I'm shy.
Q: Junsu's not here, but why do you think he's timid?
Taecyeon: They seem to have attributes of an A blood type. They are type A's in reality too.
Junho: I don't believe in blood type personalities!

Q: 2PM is popular for their acrobatic performances. Please point out a focus of the dance since it no longer has acrobatics~

Chansung: When we first received the song, we thought that it was really good. We decided to leave out the acrobatics because it didn't fit well with the song's style and thought that it would ruin the atmosphere of the song. And we already showed acrobatics with all of our other songs. It'll get boring if we show it too much so we took it out this time in order to take a break.
Junho: We'll come out with an explosive one next time.

Q: What would you like to learn when you have time? A foreign language, an instrument...

Taecyeon: Wooyoung is learning how to write songs lately. He's also learning how to play the piano. Junho, too, is learning how to write. Chansung wants to learn how to play the guitar.
Junho: I want to learn drums and photography. I guess I'll improve if I keep taking pictures.
Wooyoung: I want to learn drums! I think Junho and I want to learn the same instruments.
Khun: I want to learn golf. I bought Chansung a guitar for his birthday because he wanted to learn it. ^^
Chansung: I always practiced the guitar but got busier so I can't as much anymore.
Junho: I want to receive vocal lessons overseas once if there's time. Korean teachers are superb but I'd like to get a more variety of experiences. Same with dance.
Wooyoung: Yes, that's true! A variety of experiences is important!

Q: Which idol sings the best?

Khun: SHINee. I think they sing really well.
Taecyeon: SNSD's Taeyeon. Hahaha.
Junho: Our 2AM friends are good too!
Chansung: Yes. But 2AM feels like they're our group. They don't feel like they're another group so I didn't answer with them at first. Beast dances really well too.

Q: What are your sleeping habits like?

Taecyeon: I will give you a simple response! There's one member with severe sleeping habits. Chansung wakes up for about 2 seconds and glares at you and then goes back to sleep. He did that last night too. What's more important is that he's never able to remember it.
Junho: One time, I saw Chansung suddenly wake up and turn off his computer and go back to bed. I was really surprised. He always has his laptop open when he sleeps but he suddenly woke up and closed it.
Chansung: They said that one time I woke up and hit Wooyoung hyung's butt and went back to sleep.
Wooyoung: He's improved lately, though. During 10/10 promotions, he was amazing.

Q: Listening to these stories, it makes curious about your rooms.

Taecyeon: Junsu and Taecyeon use one room. Chansung and Khun. And then Wooyoung and Junho.
Khun: But Chansung sleeps in the living room so Wooyoung comes to sleep in my room.
Chansung: Sometimes Wooyoung hyung sleeps in the living room so I sleep with Khun hyung instead.

Q: Which member acts the cleanest?

Taecyeon: Hmm, I don't think he's here.
All: Junsu hyung!
Chansung: When we attack Junsu hyung on talk shows or variety programs, he'll get angry about it so we're a bit worried with this response.
Wooyoung: Yes, but we don't lie, haha. We make fun of him because it's fun... He probably understands.

Q: It seems like it'd be fun to live in a dorm full of guys. Please share an episode from your day to day life!

Junho: Ah, Chansung has a bit of a dangerous episode. He burnt food so there was almost a fire.
Chansung: Yes, I was steaming sweet potatoes for our diet. I put it in the pot and thought it'd take a while so I was on the computer and then noticed a bunch of smoke in the house.
Junho: And leaving all of the lights in the house and going out isn't that funny, right? We don't want to but it happens often. I don't like leaving all of the lights on when we go out. We must conserve.


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