
27 April 2010

[INFO] 100427 Star Yozm to pick 30 questions to ask 2PM

Star Interview
Star Yozm?

What is 2PM doing lately now that they are back with their 3rd single album?

Please ask whatever you are curious about through yozm. Anything about the six great lives of the men, their music, and stories with each other. Thirty of your questions will be chosen by yozm and yozm will meet with 2PM in person in order to ask your questions!

Question Time: 2010 4 26 - 5 1
Questions Chosen: 2010 5 3
Interview: 2010 5 7

First two pages of questions:

Ask the stars!

[Asking2PM] Who is the next member to be terminated?

[Asking2PM] When Khun speaks in Korean, he uses Korean accents to pronounce English words such as banana or sweet. Does he practice on his own?

[Asking2PM] Isn't it time to disband now?

[Asking2PM] Ok Taecyeon-ssi can't even act, why is he the main?

[Asking2PM] Taecyeon-ssi, who's that girl last night? Seemed like you were having fun...

[Asking2PM] You guys are amazed that you still have fans, right?

[Asking2PM] What are you going to do now that you can't even get the ending slot for music programs?

[Askign2PM] Why are there so many nobodies?

[Asking2PM] Ok Taecyeon, how are you so big down there?

[Asking2PM] Were you guys close to Jaebum at all?

[Asking2PM] Mazeltov, find some strength! You have no fans to say that anymore...

[Asking2PM] What do you do in your free time even though you're busy?

[Asking2PM] Please stop using Jaebum's name, is it fun for you guys to drag Jaebum's name around?

[Asking2PM] Nichkhun oppa, do you like ddukbokki or ddomyanggoong?

[Asking2PM] Junho, you produced a cool radio logo song before! Junho, do you have any other hidden songs? And are the other members producing any new songs?

[Asking2PM] What's something that a human being can't do? So curious keke

[Asking2PM] "I love you guys.. but.. f*** off."

[Asking2PM] How do you feel now that you're failing 2 years after your debut?

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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