
18 October 2010

Jay's Interview in Vogue Girl ( cont )

Translated by 16mika at soompi
you guys shud really thank her for this ~ ^__^

even if they (AOM) didnt know in america, did they realize "my friend is this famous" when they came to korea?
In seattle, they didnt know because there were only about 2-3 people who recognized me each week. But then when i first put up a youtube video & they saw the views they realized/felt it. i was surprised too so imagine how surprised they were. when i returned to korea they saw hthe 2000 fans at the airport & were surprised, and after that everything became a bit 'standard'. now even when we go overseas, like singapore or phillapines, they think "this many people will be there". isnt it ridiculous/unbelievable? haha.even i dont actually realize/know that im famous, but they think theyre more of a star than me.

seems like something is boiling/getting angry within you?
a bit of discontent? haha its a joke.

how did you feel seeing the fans at the airport?
I expected some fans to be there because i saw it on fansites (NB:which fansites?!?!?! which ones?!?!) but i didnt know it would that much, i was so thankful. the fans always surprise me. but that time i was dressed like a hobo/jobless/etc... i was thinking 'if i had known i would have dressed better'

your fans talk about your airport fashion alot. have you ever thought of improving/reforming/upgrading ? the fans even count how many times you wore those pants, orhow many times you wore a certain hat
i dont really concern myself with those things much. even in future, i'll dress nicely on days i want to dress nice, dress like that if i want to be comfortable.

Like today? (Jay is wearing white socks & black slippers <--those plastic type slip on sandals i think?)
Yes, freely

these days the places we can hear your songs seem to be concerts & festivals...do you feel you want to be on free-to-air tv? (nb: they worded this a bit different.. do u have frustrations about freetoair tv, but thats what they mean^^)
not especially. if theres a chance i will go on it, if not then nevermind. if theres a chance for me to communicate with my fans then thats enough. because my fans will come whereever i go. i'm satisfied (NB: HELL YEAAHHH!!)

There are alot of hardships since you are alone after being in a group right?
it isnt easy to dance and sing everything. but i like it because theres alot of time for me to appeal with my own style

your moves (activities) these days must be like "a rediscovery of jay" to your fans. even when i first heard 'NOY' i thought ' did jays always suit ballads so well?'. i guess you didnt get to sing long enough to feel that before
at the time i heard alot of praise "were you always this good at singing?"
. although i thought i didnt sing that well, i was happy seeing the reactions. even in future, im not just going to do hiphop. rap, dance, rnb, ballad... i want to do all of them.
if we told you you had an hour to do a stage as you wished, what would you do?
i will do all the performances i can. i will sing, and dance, and bboy... if i want to do that i guess i will have to make alot of good songs.

i guess in a way/possibly when you first started music, you wanted to do music freely like this?
I guess so/thats possible. Maybe this situation came a bit faster. anyway im very happy with the situation now. honestly, because my dream when i was young was no a singer, i never thought about my future in much detail. originally, i wanted to become a person who studies animals in places like africa.

Is that why you played so well with the cat during the shoot?

Yes, i really like animals.

has your personality changed a little bit after suffering hardships?
i became a lot more positive. even if bad things happen, i try to think that it will turn out well.

i thought it would be the opposite. maybe you wouldnt trust people easily, or you wouldnt be ableto make decisions quickly.. that sort of thing
i was always a bit shy. nothing has really changed as a result of those events.
people cant predict what things you will do, or what people what things you will make
me too, i dont know anything. whether it be america or korea if an opportunity appears i will grab it, if things dont work out then that cant be helped. other people might think my attitude is foolish. there are even people who say i should quickly release an album while im popular now. i think it actually doesnt work out if you try to force things. annything i do, i want to do it slowly. when i want, with the people i want to work with.

has your standard/idea of happiness changed from before?
im always the same. a person who can look after their family & friends. that was always my life's motto, and now that has been achieved, so i have nothing more to wish for. i just hope it flows well from now. without any accidents/problems.

your family must have had many worries, but they must be relieved now

yes. but they were better than i thought. since i stayed energetic/happy/ok in order to not worry my parents. now they worry about my health. they say to rest when i can and to eat well

I guess it is uncomfortable when we bring up past events?
im ok, it doesnt matter. if i stay distressed just because something bad happened, nothing works out. i just take it as a lesson and live better. however i try not to (talk about it) because my company now worries and doesnt like it.

what is your biggest worry nowadays?
I'm worried i will get sick/injured. It will be hard if i injure myself while dancing, or hurt my throat while singing or get sick from a cold. I was sick for a week because i got a cold straight after i did the 2 fanmeetings in korea. i worry 'what will i do if my fitness/health doesnt keep up.. when i have many things to do in future'
you talked the most about your thanks for your fans during the interview
i am always thankful. Im so grateful that they are concerned about every small thing, even a pimple on my face. i will try my best in future to make my fans proud of me. so i want to tell them not to worry too much about me, that im ok. im an adult you know (laughs)

i heard you are leaving (korea) the day after tomorrow. what is your schedule after that?
im going to work with american producers in LA. i cant say exactly right now.

on the customs (??) form there is an 'occupation' question. what do you write there? (NB: thisis such a random question but good haha)
writing words like "singer" there is too funny, so even from before i dont write that. in fact there are times i write 'student'. nowadays i just write 'entertainer'

but you are a singer
i think you have to be like stevie wonder, brian mcknight or usher to write that.

then i guess that could change in future. if you form the confidence
its possible. in about 10 years?

what do you think is a good entertainer?
a person who makes people watching feel happy/joyful from on the stage. not just singing, but a person who can do a wide variety of things through music. and a personn who can have a good influence on a lot of people. i want to become that sort of person. even if its not fancy/glamorous. if im happy/enjoying it, its fine.


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