
17 October 2010

Jay's Interview in Vogue Girl

Full Credit to 16mika at soompi !!!!

you guys can wait for the full translation maybe at 2OD

You cut your hair again? your fans tell you not to
thats why i left a little in the middle and shaved the sides. honestly, i wanted to shave my head, but i cant because i think the fans wont like it
Theres word that you always cut your hair before a performance.
its not like that, i cut it because i dont like my hair sticking out when i wear a hat, they must think like that since i wear a hat alot for performances.
you performed at Soul Fest yesterday. & you performed with Musiq Soulchild
it was fun. when would i ever get the chance to sing with musiq soulchild again? but i was a bit unhappy(????not satisfied) with singing Love. i only found out the day before that i was singing with him. there was no time to practice. i met him the day before, but it was such a short greeting. about 30 seconds?
before the perf, you tweeted that you were nervous?
i was nevrous because truthfully there was nothing decided for the performance. before i went on stage i didnt know whether it was a live band or MR, there was no sound check, it was totally a live broadcast without rehearsal. in fact, i dont know why but Musiq's manager only found out later that i was singing with him, and we only got an 'OK' 10 mins before the perf. i was sorry to the fans, and felt that i didnt show them a perfect stage, but musiq soulchild, hes very kind/good. after the stage i tweeted him that i was disappointed/unsatisfied and he replied straight away. he said i did well today, that it was fun, and even though it was not satisfactory, it is ok since the fans liked it.. and if the chance comes, would like to work together.
it was also the first reveal of your new song Speechless
i was surprised because the fans already knew the song. maybe because they downloaded it beforehand? the interesting thing was, even though the lyricsare in english, they sand along well. The reaction to Bestie was good too.
you wrote Bestie yourself. wasn't it hard writing Korean lyrics?
it was hard but fun. i thought the lyrics were clever. so after i wrote it i was proud, but someone said it was a bit like an idiot/fool.
which part do you like most?
The part people talk about most is "put you in water, honey water" (NB:LMAAAOOOO sounds hilarious in english!). i like that part. these sort of words dont appear in korean songs.
even in reality, do you say these sweet words to your girlfriend (NB: before you all panic, this is a hypothetical question!)
not at all. even in the past. no matter how much i love her, how many people would there be who say "you're my honey water"? in future... not sure.. i guess i'll know when i experience it. but irregardless of my real style, its just a song.
i think you'll be a bit cold/quiet towards your gf
at first i wont express it, but once i know the other person likes me i start to show it. if she becomes my gf, then even more so. however even then i dont think ill be able to say childish things like "honey water"
nowadays youre active with your bboy crew AOM. I think your feelings towards them would have become deeper after experiencing hardships
hmm, it was 'deep' even from a long time ago. once i become friends/create friendship, my thoughts/feelings of them are special (NB:this parts a bit hard to translate =SSS). when i see my friends, i think 'my person' 'my side'.
its not easy to meet people like that
Thats why i dont have alot of friends. i like it better having a deep relationship with just a few people.
how is your daily life in seattle?
In the morning, waking up, eating & exercising is the same. mon,tues,fri i practice dance at various locations, thurs i practice acrobatics, sat i go bboy battle. if im not practicing im eating burgers or sushi or playing games at a (AOM) members house altogether. i dont go clubbing
its very wholesome? (ie. good) you play like a highschooler
huh? is it? doesnt everyone play like that?
what can you say describes your taste? its already famous that you like the SImpsons
yes, i really like the simpsons. i dont really watch the new ones i like the oldones better. even comics i like the old DC comics or marvel comics, and i like hero movies like spiderman or batman
This reminds me of your spiderman socks haha. thats because at the time i didnt have socks to wear...
you also like cereal. you ate it out of a pot!
there were only 2 bowls but the other kids used them. as i was eating it out of the pot, i thought it would be funny if i filmed it & thought i could use it later. later i used it well in a video so i was very happy.
It seems like you sleep late at night. what do you do instead of sleeping?
when i sleep early its midnight or 1am, when its late 3-4am. i keep using the computer, i watch sitcoms, youtube, i especially watch alot of youtube. even dumbfoundead who i featured with, i found out about him after watching a famous rap battle video called "grind time". i like youtube better than tv. because you can watch what you want easily.
even now you communicate with your fans through youtube
there isnt any celebrity in korea whodoes this sort of thing. since there hasnt been a case where they sing at home, and film themselves playing in everydya life & upload it, i was worried the fans would be like "what is this?".. but im relieved that they liked it. even now if theres somehting i want to say to the fans or theres new news, i like that i can do it through youtube.
more than anything, there is nothing quite like the 'Nothing on you' filmed in your seattle home bathroom. why was it the bathroom?
the lighting was good, and more than anything the sound echoes. it makes it looks like youre good at singing.
how did you feel filming it? your face looked a bit nervous
it wasnt like that. because its really my house, i just sang it comfortably like singing at home. i just thought ' the fans will like this if i upload it'. but i didnt think so many people would watch it.
5 million peopled watched it
it was very interesting/fascinating. i thought at most 10-20,000 people would watch it. it was fascinating that so many people knew me.
what did you think when you saw the numbers? feeling happy & sorry... i think you would have had mixed feelings<--not too sure bout that part!
i did feel like that, but i thought i had to keep doing it because the fans liked it. i gained energy.
your fan demographic is very various from teens to 50's. they are also called "halmaemi"(granny) to "josangshin" (ancestor LMAO) according to age
haha. yes i saw that too. those words. they uploaded a 4yr old caucasian/white girl saying "jaebum oppah please come to my birthday party" on youtube.. and every fanmeeting there are alot of mother fans. there seemed to be alot who have a son who is similar in age to me
when do you remember being the time you were most grateful for your fans' support?
it wasnt one time but always. when i was in america, i got letters & gifts everyday, messages online, they sent ricecakes for moonharvest and christmas. i was grateful because they not only looked after me but my parents, AOM, even my pet Peatry.
At the time, you couldnt repay/thank them
Thats why i youtubed. that was the best i could do at the time. im so glad that now i can d soehting for the fans. so i had fanmeetings, and 2 wks ago as a sign of thanks i tattooed Jaywalkers on my neck/back. my fanclubis called Jayeffect & the fans re jaywalkers.
sometimes arent you scared by 'hardcore' fans?
Hmm not scared. but sometimes i think "i'm human too"
you mean like taking photos right infront of your nose?
im used to that so its ok. if the fans want it then even if im a bit uncomfortable i let them. but sometimes when they come to the dorm & hide & watch... or take photos.. those times are a bit scary.
Jay leans closer to the mic please refrain that a bit. haha.
Q: After moving to a new company, your range of activity has become broad & free?
A: Yes, i especially like that i can choose everything. songs, dance, fashion, from hairstyles
(NB:EEKKKK hahaaah) to schedules i have become able to control everything. I freely meet people who i want to make music with or dance with, even if theyre not famous if i like the person's talent i want to work with them. Working together on stage is good too. Like Dok2 or The Quiett hyung.
Q: you worked with brave brothers as well
A: brave brothers was.... yes... that was...
Q: was it a slightly different meaning? (NB: i think theyre kind of implying that he didnt actually WANT to work with them lol)
A: yes, it was a bit different.
Q: is there a person you want to work with next?
A: Supreme Team
(NB: SSAMDI!!!!!!!!!)
theyre so good at rapping & their songs are exciting. when i listen to their songs i automatically go"put your hands up". its not trying to look cool, but i think theyre a team that lets their bodies feel the rhythm & sing as though theyre crazy. i like the energy.
how is acting? Hype nation was even better because you filmed with your friends right?
i havent done acting alot but its fun & if i get the chance i would like to try it. For hype nation i came to korea for the first time in 9 months. I as happy even just the fact that i was here in a long time, but ontop of that i came with my friends & filmed a movie so i was very happy.
Q: I guess AOM should be thankful to you, they get to be active in Korea thanks to a friend.
A: They are thankful but nowadays because i'm so good to them, i think they're believing that it is only natural (ie. the way it should be)
Q: Has it slightly become a bad habit?
A: Yes i think so, so i'm thinking maybe i should pretend to fire them (laughs)


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