
11 January 2011

[Eng Recaps] Dream High E4

There are certain factors I look for in a drama and this didn’t have a single one when I started. I started this based on instinct and trust in one actor Kim Soo Hyun. Through him I discovered a new actress I am going to keep my eye on: the little girl who plays HM’s sister. What a cutie pie. For her I stuck around, but she barely comes out tonight. I don’t know what it says about this drama when a little girl like that outshines her co-stars but there you have it-that is the truth. She steals every scene.
Loved Kim Soo Hyun’s makeover -what a difference a haircut and change of clothes can make. Too bad they waited till E4 to make changes cuz I was just getting used to the crazy perm.
I will continue to tune in to see what else happens on my own pace which means waiting a few weeks and catching up on it when I find the time or energy. So sorry to report that I am dropping this from the transcap lineup. I gave it more than a fair chance, but it is just not connecting with me. Good news is other bloggers to seem to like it more than me so you dont have to wait too long for subs and recaps.
On the plus side for those rooting for My Princess, those transcaps will be done live. After SG ends, I’m going to focus only on MP till the Duo starts and then 49 days.
Kim soo hyun- song sam dong:SD
Suzy-Hye Mi:HM
Ham Eun Jung-Baek Hee: BH
Taecyeon-Jin Guk: JG
wooyoung: jason
mr kang:MK
IU – kim pil sook (PS) sushi costume girl
mr kang: the one HM hates that she needs to stay with (the teacher at Kirin)
jung ha myung=bae young joon: BJ
Dream High E3
The other kids talk about the K pendant BH is wearing and HM overhears
As soon as her dance number is over
BH’s voice over: look carefully -this is my world
the lost little girl’s mom comes running and thanks SD
SD realizes the time and runs off
mr park makes his speech about the special new admission students
and asks MK to bring them up
kids chant “show us”
JG asks HM if she is going up-just the two of them go up
the debt collector guys recognize JG as HM’s rescuer
the flashing camera lights make JG drop his mic and leave
kids chant “leave/get out”
on his way in SD runs into JG walking out
mr park kind of gripes about the kids to BJ
but pretends he didnt say all those things by borrowing reporters words
mr park says he blocked the reporters but he cant control the kids or school staff
BJ says he will think of a good answer/solution to the problem
SD finds out the admittance is canceled
SD asks MK if he has to go back hm
MK says just try and go to school tm
SD asks where HM is
HM hugs her sister tight and her sister complains she cant breathe
HM is upset about the kids chanting “leave”
JG remembers his dad’s offer of sending him abroad to study
SD looks out and says seoul got dirty (he said it got black)
HM is going out the next morning and trips and she throws a fit
SD asks her sister who HM is angry at
her sister says: the shoes?
HM yells at SD to go back home
SD tells her sister that HM isnt made at the shoes but at SD
JG tells her to not throw a fit
he says just fix your shoes if something is broken not yell and scream
HM says it was all ruined cuz of JG
HM says she has to go to that ridiculous school
in order to pay for her debts
she cries and doesnt finish
JG says she shouldnt cry-most girls look good but she doesnt so she shouldnt cry
JG apologizes nicely
he puts her helmet on saying he will take her to school
and he will try to put up with it till he cant
some girl comes to school like some celebrity
omg it is the coffee prince girl-the little sister of go eun chan
PS gets weighed
the teacher yells out loudly: 79 kilograms
but PS says she lost 3 kilograms and is happy
the teacher says she has to lose 3kg per week
the teacher tells her to walk to school and home
not to drink after a certain time etc.
PS asks what happens if she doesnt lose the weight
the teacher says she will be deducted points
[this school goes by a point system - the higher the number the better
you can have points added or subtracted based on good behavior and bad]
HM shows up and the teacher asks if HM wasnt kicked out
and Hm says she hasnt been expelled yet
BJ and some guys have a meeting
mr park says some stuff
then BJ says something about leaving for china
totally missed it
Bh and Hm talk
BH asks HM to leave
HM asks BH if she is scared of her
that HM’s father said there are two reasons ppl behave like this
if they have no confidence
or if one lacks something
BH slaps Hm for saying that BH is afraid she will become HM’s slippers again
they fight
BH fainted
HM says dont pretend
as she is being piggy backed out, BH revives (I think she faked) it
cuz she says she lost her pendant
and makes the guy stop carrying her
so she can go look for it
BJ says mr park if going to be in charge of the school
BJ says he hopes mr park will take care of kirin well
Hm finds the k pendant outside on the ground
JG says that they can all continue going to school
she thinks the good news has to do with the k pendant maybe
BH is looking everywhere for the pendant
another kid says there was a meeting and the kids are coming to school
BH hears that
BJ watches the kids practice
MK comes in
BJ says MK has to finish the fight without BJ
MK says he cant fight in BJ’s place
BJ says MK has the right
MK reminds BJ of who MK is but BJ smiles and says he knows that already
MK finds his own notes and BJ narrates
you will wonder why I have your note
the answer might be in there
MK flips thru and stops at a page I cant read
mr park says the office is too big to use alone
and plays the sax
[what the random scene is that]
Hm practices singing
BH keeps touching where her pendant should be
SD goes to the practice arena
he watches other kids dance
jason sings some korean song
SD watches him
his mom’s words come back to him about music
SD grabs a mic and asks jason if jason is the best in this school
JG and HM wonder what happened to SD
another kids says a country kid took over jason’s practice session
SD says to everyone
listen up
i’m not a country boy
and something else
he asks PS to play what she was playing
but PS says no
but jason asks her
and PS plays
HM says to JG that SD cant sing at all
SD sings well
but jason sings with him
so they sing together
SD sings so well
but jason can hold his note longer so kids clap for jason
cuz it sounds like jason won this one
SD drops the mic and walks off
Hm goes after him
SD is lying on a cold bench
HM goes to SD and says if you lie down on a place like this your mouth will get twisted
SD explains he didnt know the song
HM hears that he had just heard a few notes and went up
SD says he could have done it better if he had practiced
HM touches his face
saying ppl need to see his face
she needs money to fix this and asks if he has any
HM tells him to follow her
JYP is carrying boxes and runs into the debt collectors
the debt collector guy wants to see MK
the guy is worried HM might not do well
MK assures him HM will
the guy makes MK sign a contract signing over his house
MK explains his name is on the lease but it belongs to his sister
and he wont sign

guess they want MK’s home as collateral

then they says they will take HM
MK signs
JYP watches and wonders why MK signed
and calls him a crazy guy and asks is he her father?
HM cuts his hair and makes SD handsome
SD looks so happy cuz HM is touching his head and stuff
PS comes hm with bread
and doesnt eat looking at pics of jason
SD goes shopping with SD
he looks so freaking good now
SD says later when he becomes a star he will look like that
standing in a store display case
he makes himself dizzy playing with mirrors
PS is stuffing her face with ice cream
her mom yells at her
ps says if you knew i would do this you should have stopped me
SD and Hm take the bus
SD tries to talk like a seoul guy
he sounded normal
HM gets a call from her dad
he watches her talk to her dad
she complains her sister doesnt call her older sister and SD watches how happy she is
the dad says things got better so she might be able to see him
BH keeps practicing
she sings but has problems
she wants to go higher
but the teacher says it cant be done overnight
she wants to keep working
the teacher looks tired
BH lies and says into her phone that BH is at library to her mom
the mom shows up there too
she yells at BH for wasting time if she was HM it would be different
she yells at BH for being there at the vocal practice place
which the mom thinks is like a singing room
but BH corrects her and says it is vocal training session
BH yells at her mom that HM failed and she made it
JG goes hm just when his dad pulls up
he sayes hello to his step mom but she just walks by him
the dad asks what he is doing there
JG says he went to the bank and there was too much money
the dad says he put all that in so JG would get ready for going abroad
JG says he wants to stay here in korea
he says he cant speak eng
and wont be able to buy food and might die there
he bows and leaves
someone takes pics of JG walking away
BH is still looking for her pendant
JG is practicing at night at school
he is dancing in his uniform
she tells him to continue
that she didnt mean to interrupt
he asks what she is doing here
she says she cant find the pendant
he says just act like it is lost
HM goes hm and runs into the debt guy
he tells her to say hi to MK for him
he asks who JG is
he asks if she is dating JG
he tells her how JG came looking
for her and got beat up by them
he tells her not to trust guys
JG comes up subway
it is snowing
he worries about his bike
JG’s bike is being cleaned by HM and she puts umbrellas all over it
the umbrella’s keep falling off
she picks one up
JG goes over and holds an umbrella over her
she aplogizes to JG
she says sorry for misunderstanding
you are not a gangster
i’m not usually wrong
but i was wrong this time
you are not a bad guy
JG: he says she listens well
and aplogizes if she does anything wrong
instead of getting angry at others
the sister comes running over to them
she says there is trouble
MK’s sister is back
MK’s sister is nice to SD
and thinks he is adorable
JG comes in and asks if SD is the same country boy
MK’s sister is now taken with JG
she grabs him and makes him sit
she keeps trying to touch JG
she is ok with the two boys staying
but MK tries to convince her that
HM can help around with the chores
Mk’s sister keeps being nice to JG
she tells him to think of her as an older sister
HM’s younger sister gags
MK’s sister wants to drink but MK tries to stop her
she gets drunk super fast
she is crying and torturing MK
and being crazy
HM’s sister wishes it would always be like this
HM holds the pendant and says dont worry
it will always be like this from here on
MK types a lot
no clue what though
something about how music isnt something
mr park reads it
and seems to like it
MK says when he makes his mind up he can do well
mr park sends MK and the kids to some other class-the one no one wants to go to
that scary place that had kids who looked like zombies in it
mr park is basically throwing them out MK says
HM tries to give back BH’s pendant (by putting it in BH’s locker)
but doesnt saying : just a little bit longer
[this is like the Lord of the Rings ring=ppl cant let go of it]
BH accuses HM of taking it
cuz BH had it when they fought
HM says she doesnt have it
BH wants to search her
JG tells HM to give it to BH
JG takes it from HM and gives it to BH
JG tells HM that she doesnt need it
SD punches JG
the teacher walks in
she asks the 3 why they are here
they are not suppose to be here
they are suppose to go to that scary room
HM goes to the bathroom
someone throws water at her while she is in the stall
then they throw eggs
SD protects her from the onslaught of egg attack
JYP teaches the 3 kids eng in the scary classroom
MK watches them from outside
SD tells JG to apologize to HM and
SD will apologize to JG for hitting him
JG asks why should I
SD says you made her look like a robber
in front of everyone
JG says wearing the pendant doesnt suit her
meaning she doesnt need stuff like that
SD says its cuz of her dad
she got a call from her dad
cuz of that pendant she thinks
he says something about how outside she acts tough
but inside she is vulnerable or a chicken
HM makes an announcement to everyone
she says she is not a robber
a kid says you had the pendant
HM says I was suppose to get that during the audition
I will show you
when I get more points than BH….
kids dont believe HM can
BH asks what if you cant
HM says dont worry cuz I will win


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