
13 May 2010

[FAN ACCOUNT] 100513 Chansung & Junho drinks banana milk

I think I used all of the luck I will ever receive during the rest of the year today. I was able to stand right under the stage, only 2m away from the boys. I saw them at the tip of my nose.

God, Buddha, Sawadikap!

Taecyeon must've been tired because he had his eyes closed during their rehearsal. Khun heard all of the fans that were calling his name so he made eye contact with them for about three seconds. The fans died!

Wooyoung was such a tease! He asked to us to save our energy in screaming for them for the actual stage instead of wasting our energy during the rehearsal. Wooyoung fans were screaming his name so loud, crazily... but he acted like he never heard them. A fan screamed at him, "Wooyoung! Is this funny to you!!" But he heard that and nodded his head with a blank face expression. You guys had to have seen it! It was beyond adorable. T_T

After the recording, Junsu went to Junho and said that a piece of paper flew in his mouth while he was singing. He explained it with so much motion! Junsu's such a cutie.

The recording was only about 30 minutes but seeing the kids up front, so close... I had to leave home so early in order to see them but I realized it was all worth.

At around 9:40, after the practice recording, we had until 4:30 for the actual stages so my friend and I left.

We came back in time and in the nick of time! The MC corner for the kids are on the left side. They were resting there when it wasn't their turn. When the fans were entering the hall, the line cut RIGHT in front of me so I was able to sit right at the left. I could see what Junho and Chansung were doing all the time. Chansung was running around so cutely while Junho was monitoring himself with his ambitious eyes.

Oh, both of them also drank banana milk in the middle. hehe.

M. Countdown itself was a bit boring but it was so nice to be able to see them win triple crown. They were really so cute when they were singing their encore.

Taecyeon started acting cute and began running around with his mouth wide open in a smile, trophy in tow. Wooyoung left for Win Win so Taecyeon lip synced Wooyoung's part. Junho and Chansung were joking around... and in the midst of that, Junsu came out in crutches. T_T

Anyways, half the crowd was 2PM fans so it was really fun watching the encore.

Such a lucky day today!

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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