
16 May 2010

[FAN ACCOUNT] 100517 Hot Tracks fan signing event

Hot Tracks Fan Signing Accounts
Taecyeon was not present due to Cinderella Sister

As the fan signing started, we all started to go up one by one. My heart was beating ㅠㅠ. First, Junsu! Junsu was truly a handsome man!! +_+ Really handsome!!! He's got panda eyes and he looks so innocent!!!! It was my first time seeing them so as soon as I went on stage, I just froze and stared so hard at him. He then started waving his hands in front of me and asked me to wake up. If he didn't, I probably would've stood there frozen ㅠ.

I woke up and said Hellooo... then Junsu smiled with his eyes and said yes! Hello! hehe What's your name? ㅠ I told him and he said it was unique! And then he wrote my name and drew a heart and colored it in black!!

I asked him how his leg was. Junsu smiled very comfortable ㅠㅠ and said it was okay~ Seriously... ㅠㅠ Then he looked at the pot I was holding and asked what it was but I just laughed it off keke Sorry Junsu, it's not for you....

Then I moved over to Wooyoung! I was too shocked when I was Junsu, I forgot to give him anything... cry cry ...

Wooyoung!.................. Mmm... Maybe because he's a Busan man....... He's very........ very..... cold......... ㅠㅠ Really......... ㅠㅠ.. His words were cold, he barely talked. He was so cold, I got intimidated for no reason.... I couldn't say anything so I just got my autograph and moved on over to Junho. ㅠㅠ

Our Junho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Junho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw him in real life ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ah so touching ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I wanted to just sit down and cry, that's how happy I was ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ He's so cute on TV but he's a man too.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I stared at him in awe until he hit my arm ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Junho's touch ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Immediately, I gave him a rose ㅠㅠ But maybe I was holding on to it too tight, it was kind of crushed... I was so sorry... It was the coming-of-age day for him so there were tons of roses behind him!! He had a lot so I was happy! And then I gave him a bag full of snacks such as banana chips, drinks, banana milk... But he didn't even check what was in the bag and said thank you~ and then put it behind him. Well, I guess it doesn't matter cry cry ㅠㅠ

He asked my name so I replied shyly 000, keke. Then he said my name was unique!!! And drew a heart next to it ㅠ He drew it very carefuly!!! But he sucks at drawing... Then I told him that my sibling graduated from Sewon High School, a one year junior to Junho. He go really shocked and asked, "Was he in theatre? What's hs name?" Then I told him the name and he's like ah!!!! Maybe it's him!!!!!!! Who is it? Ah, he was so cute kekekeke But I had hoped he would know him...

Then I told him I worked at ** hospital in front of Sewon High School and told him to come if he's sick when he's in Ilsan. He said, "Really? Will you treat me for free?" and he opened his eyes all wide ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ah so cute, really ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'll treat you for free, really ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ And then he asked me to treat his whole family... kekeke that son of a... kekeke... Then lastly, he asked me to treat him for free again and I told him I'm majoring in gynecology~ he laughed out loud kekke

The manager behind Junho kept looking at me so I hurried and said stuff real fast, faster than Outsider. "I can't go to your live performances and this is my first fan signing but I'll always be supporting you, and I'll be supporting you forever from here on out keke" Junho smiled and said thank you and he held out his hand... I was shaking as I held out my pig feet-looking hand... ㅠㅠ He then wrapped his other hand around our handshake ㅠ Then I was about to leave but he asked me to come back so I stopped going to Chansung and headed back and he held his arms open ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I was so happy, I... drooled on his shoulder..........

Junho laughed...... and I was embarrassed so I ran away to Chansung... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I'll write about Chansung later ㅠㅠㅠㅠ So tiring...

I first saw Junsu oppa. Huk, I was so surprised. ㅜㅜ Because he was so handsome. He's already handsome on screen but in real life, he looks even more handsome. ;

Me: Junsu oppa, hello.... huk!!1
Junsu: Hello~
Me: Oppa, I totally got shocked right now!
Junsu: ????
Me: Because you're so handsomelfksjdfls?!!?!??!!!
Junsu: Hahaha, what's your name?
Me: **~

I have the same name as a celebrity so I prepared a joke to say.

Me: Oppa, is ** prettier or am I prettier?
Junsu? Huh? mm... Who's **? I~ don't know~~~~~~~~ (country dialect)

kekeke There's no way he doesn't recognize my name...ㅠㅠ

Me: Ah~~ really~~~ ahhhh~~!!!!!!!
Junsu: (laughing)
Me: Ah oppa, give me one more heart! ONe more!
Junsu: Ah, I'll draw you a cupid's arrow instead...

And then he drew a heart with a cupid's arrow in it hehe

Me: Oppa, you're really so cool ㅠㅠ How's your leg?
Junsu: Ah, yes, it's a lot better.
Me: Thank you~~~

Wooyoung oppa was a bit chic?! A true Busan man.. hehe

Me: Wooyoung oppa hello~
Wooyoung: What's your name?
Me: **! Oppa, you know, you're really hot when you speak in your dialect?
Wooyoung: (Just quietly signing)
Me: Can you say something in your dialect please? Anything anything!!! ㅠㅠ
Wooyoung: (Smiling) Nice~ to~ meet~ you~
Me: sdlkfjslkdjf so cool!!!!!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Oppa, please draw one more heart! One more! one more one more! Thank you~

Thinking back now... I'm the only one that did all the talking, kekekekekeke

And Junho oppa ^_^/ He's such a warm person. He tried to make eye contact and listened to everything I had to say. I fell in love with him all over again with this fan signing.

Me: Hi Junho oppa~
Me: Ah **? Hello? (Beginning to sign)
Me: What? How did you know my name?!?lkdjflsdkjfwieglsdjf?????!!!!!!!
Junho: It's written right here~

My heart was about to burst (Because it was my first time getting his autograph) but my name was actually written on the other autograph I received.. -_-;;; Sorry I'm an idiot...

Me: Oppa, I'll give you an English quiz, want to answer?
Junho: Sure, try! (sparkling eyes)
Me: Oppa what's nurungji in English? (TN: nurungji is hardened rice, brownish in color.)
Junho: mm... Nurungji? Is there a word for that? (Serious face)
Me: Bobby Brown.
Junho: Huh? (Still serious face)
Me: Bobby Brown!

............Silence -_-;;;;

Me: Oppa, please laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ㅠ0ㅠ0ㅠ0ㅠ0ㅠ0ㅠ0ㅠ0ㅠ )(#*(@*#&(@*&!!!!!!
Junho: ????????????
Me: Oppa, so... the bob (rice) is.. brown...... nurungji.....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junho: Ah, what is that. You said it so seriously, I thought it was a serious question. kekeke

Me: Oppa, then what do you call a laughing banana.
Junho: Banana Kick. (TN: kick.. laughing sound. Also a name for a snack in Korea.)
Me: (How could he know this?) Then what about a laughing apple?
Junho: Apple Kick?
Me: An unripe apple. (TN: pronounced poot-sakwa. Poot is the sound of sudden laughter.)
Junho: Ah............

............Silence. (S..sorry oppa... I just wanted to make you laugh... why own't you laugh....)
But still, he drew a heart next to my name in the autograph.

Me: Oppa, please draw me more hearts kekekkee a lot of hearts, more! ekekeke
Junho: Ah, hearts? I'll draw you a big one. (And then he drew a big one on top of his sign)
Me: Thank you~

Chansung oppa! Chansung oppa seemed to be in a good mood today so I said a lot of nonsense things with no worry hehe

Me: Chansung oppa hello~
Chansung: Hello~
Me: Chansung oppa, do you eat a lot of bananas lately?
Chansung: Lately? Hmm.. I eat it once in a while~
Me: Then oppa, do you like bananas or do you like fans?
Chansung: Ah, of course I like my fans better~

And then I took out my hidden nonsense card...!!

Me: Oppa, do you like bananas, or do you like me?
Chansung: Huh? Ah,...
Me: Oppa, I'm a fan too? I'm a fan!
Chansung: But.. that's.... not really........ (nodding his head)

Oppa: I'm a fan too!!!!!! )#@(*#@)(*)(*@)(*#@#
Chansung: Puahahaha kekeke (forced laughter)
Me: Please draw me a few more hearts ㅠㅠ
Chansung: How many?
Me: Mm... a lot. As much as you love me.

And then he drew a lot of hearts kekeke

And then Khun oppa! I wanted to say and do a lot of things but the manager was shielding him too strongly so I couldn't. Even the things I prepared to say, the manager told me to hurry up so I was cut off. And then Khun oppa tried to hug me but the manager cut us off so we couldn't. But Khun oppa called out my name and shook my hand and I received his autograph so I decided to be happy! =]

Out of the 150 chosen for the fan signing, I was #23. I skipped 2nd period and went to see 2PM!!!!!!!!!

It was a private fan signing and I was the only child there. I'm serious, everyone there were at least 19 years old. I was the only junior high school student kekeke.

At around 6, we were let in with our numbers. I was #23 so I was up in the front where I could see the members well. kekeke and then the members came out.

Lord almighty...

2PM looked so handsome in real life. Their faces were small and they didn't look at all like regular people. Anyways, I prepared my can of throat candy for Wooyoung and a drink for each of them.

They were sitting in the order as follows:

Nichkhun, Chansung, Junho, Wooyoung, Junsu

Ok Taecyeon was filming Cinderella Sister so he wasn't there ke..keke..ㅠㅠ..

The staff started calling us on set and my turn came up fast because my number was in the beginning. I saw Junsu first and .. this is the beginning!!!!



He's so handsome really really really
dlkjsalkdfj alskdjfoihgisjlgkjoiglkjdflkj

Anyways, I gave Junsu a drink and opened it up to where I wanted him to sign it and started talking to him.

Me: Oppa, how old do I look?
Junsu: What?
Me: How old do I look?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?

Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?
Junsu: Mmm... High school student?


Me: Huk, I'm actually in junior high..
Junsu: Oops, sorry, but what's your name?
Me: Yeri keke
Junsu: (Just writing it down)
Junsu: Please study hard^^
Me: I am keke
Junsu: More, study more!!

And then he wrote "Study harder! More <3" align="center">

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.



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