
27 August 2010

ERU "2PM than girl groups ''

Most of the male celebrities don't forget to talk about 'Girl Groups' when they had just come out from the Army. He also often heard that his junior collegue girl groups were being thought of as 'Goddesses' in the Army. Even though he also likes the girl groups, he found himself more interested in the Beast Idol, 2PM.

"As Cho SungHyun -not as the artist E-ru-, I came to observe many other artists. I liked the girl groups, but I was especially interested in 2PM. They look very cool even to a guy. Especially, I met Junho at a private event and he has his unique way of facing people. He's always smiling to people. You might say he is trying to control his 
 image, but I didn't think it was fake. He is very polite, and also a hard worker."

* Eru is very famous Korean singer. For more details click

Source: Nate Kor-Eng: Lisa @2pmalways


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