15 Questions to 2PM
Starting with the performance in Zepp Sapporo on 6 May, 2PM will begin their 5 cities tour, which Japanese fans have been waiting for in great anticipation. With their well-trained physique and overwhelmingly powerful performances as their weapons, they have captured the hearts of women in various Asian countries, including Korea and, of course, Japan. Should these boys step away from work, they're simply normal youths in their twenties. We've thus hit them with 15 questions to find out their charming true nature.
A concert failure...
"My pants ripped and exposed my underwear" ~Taecyeon
To the members, I am...
"A calming presence for everyone (... I think)" ~Chansung
If I were to have a date in Korea...
"I want to have a leisurely walk down the streets!" ~Nichkhun
Your favourite Japanese word is...
"Aishiteiru" (I love you) ~Junho
Your future goal is...
"To make 2PM a part of 'culture'" ~Junsu
The one thing you'll never let go is...
"My tanktop (for exercising)" ~Wooyoung
"My pants ripped and exposed my underwear" ~Taecyeon
To the members, I am...
"A calming presence for everyone (... I think)" ~Chansung
If I were to have a date in Korea...
"I want to have a leisurely walk down the streets!" ~Nichkhun
Your favourite Japanese word is...
"Aishiteiru" (I love you) ~Junho
Your future goal is...
"To make 2PM a part of 'culture'" ~Junsu
The one thing you'll never let go is...
"My tanktop (for exercising)" ~Wooyoung
Q1: You're called beastly idols, but what kind of animal would you be and why?
WOO: A fish! Because I love dancing and I always feel nervous.
JUNSU: A panda! Because my eyes are round. (laughs)
TAEC: A cat! I often think I move like a cat~
CHAN: A dog. People often say I act like a dog.
JUNHO: A cat or a dog. Because I'm good at playing by myself!
KHUN: A lion~! Because I often observe people, the same way a lion does when it's searching for prey. (laughs)
Q2: What are you addicted to?
WOO: Singing and dancing!
JUNSU: Writing songs & lyrics.
TAEC: Studying Japanese.
CHAN: Music, exercise and games!
JUNHO: Songwriting, fashion.
KHUN: Taking photographs.
Q3: What kind of girl do you like?
WOO: Someone honest and adorable.
JUNSU: Someone with pretty eyes and a cute smile.
TAEC: A girl who works hard at her job and cares for me.
CHAN: Someone who exudes charm with her eyes.
JUNHO: A girl who is polite and has a strong will!
KHUN: A girl who respects and treasures her parents.
Q4: If you were to get a Japanese girlfriend and go on a date in Korea, what kind of date would you want to have? Or, where would you take her?
WOO: I want to go to a delicious wine bar!
JUNSU: A movie date.
TAEC: A restaurant in Seoul Tower!
CHAN: I'd love to go window shopping with her.
JUNHO: I want to show her around the fashionable streets of Korea!
KHUN: I'd like to take a leisurely stroll down the streets~
Q5: Amongst all the items in your bag, please tell us which item you will never let go.
WOO: My tanktop (for exercising).
JUNSU: My iPad, wallet, cellphone.
TAEC: My wallet, cellphone, iPad.
CHAN: My notebook, pen.
JUNHO: My books, wallet.
KHUN: My iPad.
Q6: Please share a member's secret that only you know about.
ALL: We're all honest with each other, so there's none!
Q7: In that case, how do you think the other members view you?
JUNHO: A member of the group. (laughs)
TAEC: Is our relationship that shallow! (laughs)
WOO: So that's how Junho sees us. (laughs)
WOO: A cheerful member.
KHUN: Sometimes he cracks bad jokes, but he undoubtedly has the presence of a moodmaker.
CHAN: The youngest that doesn't act like the youngest. A calming presence for everyone. (laughs)
TAEC: You're totally not calming! (laughs) A cool person.
JUNSU: Someone who shoots off bad lines one after another. (laughs)
KHUN: A serious, young elderly person. (All the members agree.)
TAEC: He sleeps early, wakes up early, and gets angry when we're noisy.
CHAN: He puts an assortment of sweets and jellies in a can and carries it around.
JUNSU: A grandpa.
JUNHO: I'd give my seat to him if I had one.
TAEC: Someone annoying, but will do what he has to do.
KHUN: On the other hand, when he thinks he doesn't have to do something, he totally won't do it. (laughs)
JUNSU: A close friend called sleep sometimes cuts down his motivation. (laughs)
Q8: What unexpected failure have you experienced before?
JUNSU: Churning out explosive assertions that shouldn't be said on variety shows, one after another. The members often tell me, "You don't have to be that honest just because it's a variety show." (laughs)
TAEC: At a concert, my pants ripped and exposed my underwear.
KHUN: I went on stage without realizing that my fly was open, until a fan pointed it out to me.
Q9: What's your favourite Japanese phrase?
WOO: "Sumimasen" (Sorry)
JUNSU: "Sugoku kirei na hitomi desu ne" (You have really pretty eyes) (laughs)
TAEC: "Ramen!"
CHAN: "Suki" (l like you)
JUNHO: "Aishiteiru" (I love you)
KHUN: "Daijoubu da!" (I'm okay!)
Q10: What do you do in your free time?
WOO: Sleep the entire time. (laughs)
JUNSU: Drink coffee! And listen to music.
TAEC: Sleep...
CHAN: Practise and exercise.
JUNHO: Read books, compose songs!
KHUN: Exercise and go out to eat delicious food.
Q11: Out of all the movies you've seen so far, which one touched you the most?
WOO: "Billy Elliot" (T/N: In Japanese, it's called "Little Dancer")
JUNSU: "If Only"
TAEC: "National Representative!?"
CHAN: "National Representative!?"
JUNHO: "The Way Home" (T/N: In Japanese, it's called "Grandma's Home")
KHUN: "Saving Private Ryan"
Q12: When you take a shower, what do you start washing first? Tell us the order like this: head -> arms -> soles of feet.
WOO: Head -> Chest
JUNSU: Head -> Upper body -> Feet
TAEC: Head -> Move down the rest of the body in order
CHAN: Head -> Chest -> Shoulders -> Arms -> Stomach -> Feet
JUNHO: Head -> Face
KHUN: Head -> Face -> Body
Q13: What clothes do you wear in your private time?
WOO: A comfortable jersey. (laughs)
JUNSU: I like street fashion.
TAEC: It depends, but I'm usually wearing training clothes. (laughs)
CHAN: A matured kind of street fashion and mod clothes!
JUNHO: I change my style according to how I feel that day.
KHUN: A rough style with a fresh sense!
Q14: If you weren't an artiste, what would you want to be?
WOO: I'd be dancing while working on interior design.
JUNSU: A literary person.
TAEC: A doctor.
CHAN: A sportsperson! Either taekwondo or karate.
JUNHO: An athlete, maybe?
KHUN: A cook.
Q15: What's your goal for the future?
WOO: For 2PM to become the best group ever!
JUNSU: For 2PM to become a part of "culture"!
TAEC: To build a happy family! And for 2PM to succeed in Japan!
CHAN: To keep singing and dancing, as well as take on acting!
JUNHO: To become a cool guy who can influence the people around him in a good way.
KHUN: For 2PM to become a group that many people are willing to acknowledge.
Source: Kan-fun Newspaper
Scans from yooko_11
Translated by fantaisie @ Wild2Day.org
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