The official Hottest members were allowed to ask questions and they were answered in the Hottest 3rd Photobook by each 2PM member.
The original Korean transcript in the spoilers.
Q I am curious about what you do when you can't sleep at night.
A Read books or surf the internet
Q When you want to escape reality! Have you ever thought "I would love this kind of superpower~"?
A The ability to mind read.
Q I am curious about your favourite song to sing in karaoke. Please tell me 1 song each from the genres dance and ballad.
A Ballad: Kim Dongryul - I Said I Love You. Dance: Park Jinyoung - She's Pretty.
Q Please say something to Hottests to keep us going each time you are gone to Japan~
A Please keep on a look out kekeke
Q A CF you must try one day?
A Newspaper agendy CF
Q Oppa's mascot, Okcat! When did you plan to make that a product kekeke?
A When it moved me, starting from the last concert? kekekeke
Q When you were young, what was your favourite manhwa (manga)?
A Slam Dunk
Q What's an internet word you've learnt most recently?
A None
Q Eomchinah** Taecyeon's original studying method?
A Play noisy music in your ears and concentrate on studying
Q Do you have a character you want to play in a movie or drama?
A I want to challenge a role like the unique psychopath of Eom Kijoon-shi's character in Man of Vendetta (movie).
**Eomchinah = Mom's friend's son. Meaning, a model student one's parent's might always compare you with.
Q I am curious about what you do when you can't sleep at night.
A Recently I have not been sleeping well. Because there are many things I need and want to do, before I can do those things, I will not be able to sleep well. So I can't sleep/.. ㅜㅜ
Q When you want to escape reality! Have you ever thought "I would love this kind of superpower~"?
A The ability to move time, I want to go to Switzerland and back in an hour ke
Q I am curious about your favourite song to sing in karaoke. Please tell me 1 song each from the genres dance and ballad.
A Ballad: Yoo Jaeha - You In My Arms. Dance: Turbo - Choice.
Q Please say something to Hottests to keep us going each time you are gone to Japan~
A Because we have our Hottests, we are 2PM! If the source of 2PM's strength, our Hottests, can wait just a little longer, we will return with a better and new feeling. I love you.. Sincerely^^
Q A CF you must try one day?
A Automobile CF
Q Have you ever thought of being a radio DJ?
A I want to do it^^ It seems fun!~
Q What do you think about that girl at the fansigning that looked like Junsu oppa?
A Um I would be very flustered..ke She must be a beautiful woman? keke
Q What is the tastiest food in Daegu?
A Dongin Dongjim Steak, Daedeok Restaurant's ttaro gukbap, and no matter what, ddukbbeokki
Q The best part about doing Immortal Song?
A Being able to arrange my favourite music.. I liked that.. Even though I didn't have a lot of time to prepare and it was tiring. Even so, being able to show my musical side to a certain level, I liked it ^^
Q A necessary item just for my airport fashion?
A Sunglasses or glasses? keke
Q I am curious about what you do when you can't sleep at night.A Light an aromatic candle, take deep breaths, and think good thoughts
Q When you want to escape reality! Have you ever thought "I would love this kind of superpower~"?
A Make another Nichkhun and order him to do things
Q I am curious about your favourite song to sing in karaoke. Please tell me 1 song each from the genres dance and ballad.
A Ballad: Jung Yup - Nothing Better. Dance: Ne-yo - So Sick.
Q Please say something to Hottests to keep us going each time you are gone to Japan~
A Our Hottests whom we are always grateful for~ Please wait until we come back from Japanese promotions~
Q A CF you must try one day?
A Coffee CF
Q What did you think before you went to sleep the night before you went to Korea after being casted?
A I was thinking of how to succeed, and I couldn't sleep.
Q Aegyo that you can do better than a wink?
A A lovely smile^-^
Q Responsible for nagging in 2PM~ What do you do when the members don't listen??
A I will have to say it louder.
Q I'm curious about how you used your first paycheck that you earned with your own hard work^^
A When I was a trainee, when I first received money, I bought the members a meal.
Q In a recent interview, I heard that you like to learn anything! What have learned recently that has completely gotten your attention?
A I've fallen into taking pictures~^^
Q I am curious about what you do when you can't sleep at night.
A I read books, I listen to quiet music, and sometimes I even write in my diary.
Q When you want to escape reality! Have you ever thought "I would love this kind of superpower~"?
A The one where you can fly in the sky^^
Q I am curious about your favourite song to sing in karaoke. Please tell me 1 song each from the genres dance and ballad.
A Ballad: Panic - Snail. Dance: Seven - Passion.
Q Please say something to Hottests to keep us going each time you are gone to Japan~
A 2PM will never stop. Please look forward to it^^
Q A CF you must try one day?
A Airplane? Airline CF!
Q What is your favourite nickname out of all your nicknames??
A ㅠㅠ None
Q Other than chicken, another dish you like?
A Eel
Q This year has passed by especially busily, I am curious about Wooyoung-goon's stress-reducing method when you are tired~
A Take a hot shower^^
Q Wooyoungie oppa, please tell us a happy point about being in 2PM hehe
A Being able to meet with the members right now
Q Other than a singer, a job you would like to do.. Do you have one?
A Industrial designer!
Q I am curious about what you do when you can't sleep at night.A When I can't sleep, I think about being on stage. I also think about my future dreams...puhehe
Q When you want to escape reality! Have you ever thought "I would love this kind of superpower~"?
A The ability to stop time. I am the only one who can move. Eumhaha
Q I am curious about your favourite song to sing in karaoke. Please tell me 1 song each from the genres dance and ballad.
A Ballad: mc the max - Love Poem. Not a dance, but a rap - Dynamic Duo's songs.
Q Please say something to Hottests to keep us going each time you are gone to Japan~
A It will go by this and that. Don't worry.
Q A CF you must try one day?
A Banana milk.
Q If you were to describe yourself in one phrase?
A Hot-tempered.
Q How many times have you done tumbling in a row?
A Seven~ Rolling forward and backward~
Q What is the meaning of a companion pet to you?
A A companion pet is a companion pet. The existence of love.
Q Junho oppa, if you had to choose your favourite hairstyle out of the hairstyles you've done up to now??
A I've liked all of them. Except 10 out of 10 (More than the hairstyle, the entire style was a little tacky for me;;)
Q A song you composed was released this time, what is the most important part of the process?
A Not trying and just the emotions coming out fluently while making it...
Q I am curious about what you do when you can't sleep at night.
A Until I can sleep, lie on the bed~~
Q When you want to escape reality! Have you ever thought "I would love this kind of superpower~"?
A The ability to fly in the sky.
Q I am curious about your favourite song to sing in karaoke. Please tell me 1 song each from the genres dance and ballad.
A Ballad: Kim Yeonwoo - That I was once by your side. Dance: Park Jinyoung - Honey.
Q Please say something to Hottests to keep us going each time you are gone to Japan~
A NO matter where we go, there are Hottests^^ We will do many activities in Korea^^
Q A CF you must try one day?
A Coffee CF.
Q A song you listened to today! A book you read yesterday! I'm curious!
A A song I listened to today was Eric Benet - George Porgy, a book I read was "The Power of Body Language"
Q If you could do acting, would you want to be in a movie? Or a drama?
A Booooooooth~~~
Q What is a dish oppa wouldn't eat kekeke
A I think there are none...kekekeke ^^
Q A part you are most confident about
A My eyes!!
Q A time you would want to go back to, or a time in the future you want to go to?
A I want to go back to when I was a trainee~! I want to practice more and become perfect +_+!!
Credit 프린세스 @ 2pm0904.com
Translated by khy127 @ W2D
May be taken out with credits
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