
01 March 2010

VOICE WITHIN --- from Anika of UAE

Everyday, situation of 2PM is getting uglier & out of control since the conference. WHY DO WE NEED TO DO THE SAME THING THEY DID TO JAY? Why do we need to avenge Jay? Why are we so mad to 6PM(that's how others called them)? it's because they BETRAYED Jay, right? Then what are we doing now? isn't it also being a betrayer to them? Aren't we just showing them how rude we are just like how rude they are to Jay?

I read all the articles about this 2PM nightmares from different sites and believe me i don't know where i stand anymore, i'm so confused. So stupid to even care, i mean yeah i'm a fan but they doesn't even know my existence, but i can't help it. From 2PM to 6PM and now 5PM,,, so frustrating.... Does anyone still knows the real meaning of a fan? or does it have an specific meaning?

My point is,,, ENOUGH is ENOUGH, WHAT DONE is DONE... We don't have any DELETE or UNDO buttons in real life. JUST let it go, You hate 6PM? then stay away from them. You hate Jay? Then stay away from him. I can't even breath whenever there's another photos or videos of 6PM being spread on the internet. Don't you said before that YOU LOVE 2PM? The can you please explain what kind of love is that? LOVE KNOWS HOW TO FORGIVE... JUST LET THEM BE. TIME TO MOVE ON. You don't want to support them? then don't. No one is forcing you to do so. Trust me they have had enough punishment for what they have done. LET's ALL TAKE A BREAK AND CHILL, SHALL WE?(FYI- i'm a Jay bias)

I learnt from Jay that staying quite is what makes you more respectable. Smiling and saying it's okey even you're hurting is much lighter to bear than hating someone. And when my heart aches feeling betrayed by 6PM, his image smiling so bright just pop-up in my mind, then i thought of how hard it was for him but still standing strong, then why can't i ? WHOEVER YOU CHOSE TO SUPPORT, do the best you can, so this kind of things won't happen again...


NOTE: we are still & will continue accepting messages for 6PM, 5PM, 1:59 & Jay=2PM as we decided to keep our mailbox for our readers. ashric_nichel@yahoo.com


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