
22 January 2011

[FANACCOUNT] 110121 2PM's Arrival in Taiwan + Fansigning

May be taken out with full credits. You may not add yourself to the credits.

At the airport

At about 12 today, I reached the airport.
At that time. there was already a bit of crowd.
Upon seeing that someone was holding a black balloon, I was very happy.
As time passed, the amount of people waiting to see 2PM at the airport increased.
There weren't just Taiwanese, there were also Japanese, Korean, Singaporeans etc.
The plane touched down a little after 1:30.
Then my friend and I stared intently at the arrival gate.
We waited till 2:20 before a cameraman appeared.
At that time, everybody started screaming "2PM~2PM~2PM~"
Then suddenly, you could catch a glimpse of someone's shadow behind the gate.
I don't know who starting shouting, "Wooyoung!"
We all ended up shouting, "Wooyoung!"
I stood at the customer service counter and could hear 2 different voices.
The people in front kept shouting, "Wooyoung!"
On the 2nd floor, the people who prepared their cameras screamed for Nichkhun.
Someone walked out of the gate and I recognized Junho's hat.
So I began shouting, "Junho!" (Though I was quite far away.)
Then I followed a group of people and ran to the place when 2PM was going to board their car.
I didn't really pay attention to what people were shouting then.
Because everyone was shouting different things...
The sector filmed by the cameraman kept screaming for Khun.
I think it's just a coincidence for that sector to scream for the same person.
Today, when I saw the four of them, they didn't smile.
I wonder if they were not in a good mood...

*note* Wooyoung flew in at a later time.


When I rushed to the fansign event, it was going to be 4:30.
(The selected fans are to report at 5 for the fansign which would begin at 6)
[Omitted info about 4Minute]
After 4Minute left, it was 2PM's turn.

At the beginning, the host was trying hard to create a hot atmosphere so that everyone would scream.
When they stood on stage, almost everyone was high~
The host told us to hold up our boards.
I shook my very big Junho board with much effort.
But Junho never did look over here. (Instead Khun was the one who kept staring at me.)
Then they began their plan of letting people go on stage and retrieve their posters to be autographed.
When the autograph session was going on, I wanted to see Junho.
But I was constantly blocked by the staffs on stage.
So I was only able to see Junsu who was on the extreme right.
When Junsu had any free moment, he would keep staring at his right hand.
As if to see if there was any ink stain on his hand from the signing.
My friend said he kept seeing Junsu touching his fringe.
(Off-stage and on-stage, he would always touch his fringe.)
As many people didn't turn up for the event**,
they were done in a while. (They were very shocked.)
And asked why didn't the people at the back get a chance to come on stage?!
Junho even held up the stack of unsigned posters at the side,
And said that it was such a pity that these didn't get to be signed... (So kind T-T)
The four of them were full of smiles at the fansign.
It seemed like everyone was very happy. (That's really great~)

What the four of them said on and off stage,
I have already forgotten most of them. (My memory's poor. T-T)
The first one who spoke was Junho who was on the right.
He said it's such a pity that Wooyoung and Taecyeon were unable to come due to the drama shooting,
And hoped that everyone didn't mind.
Then Junsu said that as many people were supporting them,
So they will continue to work hard.
Khun said that he would like to try Taiwan's Pineapple Tart and Bubble Tea (T/N Not too sure of the name of the food)
At that time, the audience below the stage screamed for a while.
The host then said,"You guys didn't even prepare any food, why did you all scream?" (Laugh)
"Next time prepare some food and let Khun have them!!"
Finally, Chansung said "I love you~"in Chinese!!
(After ChanChan said this, I forgot what he said earlier. T-T)
Then they said byebye and waved to everyone and left.

** there were a limited number of fans allowed into the fansigning for each group. For 2PM, only 100 fans were admitted!


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