
11 January 2011

[NEWS] 110101 Jay's fortune for 2011

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◆ Park Jaebum, April 25th '87

It can be said the luck that one wants to avoid most has been met. Instead of acting responsibly and finishing everything from beginning to end and acting while thinking logically about what will benefit one like one should do, if a fortune like this is met, instead of acting logically and wisely, one will be drawn by human attachment to do something unrealistic.

This means that this time is where one will not be able to treat relations and people's requests coldly, and might take responsibilities that are losses and are hard to handle. However, if one did not forget which path he should take, even if time is stolen this year because of this and that happening, one needs to keep going the path till the end. It is okay to be late. It is okay to go crazy. It is just a hope to never give up.

If there is a lover, it is possible a third wheel might budge in so even if it is a very close friend, do not introduce or meet together with him/her.


T/N: Of course, this is just a fortune and not to be taken completely seriously.

But still, if this is true, Jay's got a mighty hard year ahead of him. :/


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