
September 8th, 6:30PM, 2009. Leader of group 2PM, who had been rising rapidly in popularity, Park Jaebum, suddenly sat himself down in an airplane heading to Seattle, US. The post he'd written during his trainee times had spread as a Korea belittlement statement, and when the controversy got hotter, he'd announced he was withdrawing from the team after four days and left this land like he was fleeing it.
Even after that, news about Park Jaebum shook up the pop world. Unending gossip and noise about things such as his personal life problem, permanent expulsion, company switching kept coming, one after one. Korea cheered Park Jaebum on, then suddenly shot arrows almost too painful to bear. After this, it might have become a place he'd never wanted to think of, or ever go back to. However, Park Jaebum has returned again, and described his coming back to Korea as "destiny".
# The Korea he'd first known, the Korea that sent him back to Seattle, the Korea now
The Korea Park Jaebum first knew of was his mother's country. Thus, even though his nationality was American, he'd admired Korea from a young age. However, the Korea he'd first experienced at 18 years old in 2005 was a lot different than he'd anticipated.
Park Jaebum reminisced his trainee years, saying, "When I came to Korea, I really felt how I'd lived was really different from how my colleagues had lived. Since I originally really liked dance and rap, I wanted to do it while having fun, and I didn't understand why I had to learn it while being scolded. That situation was difficult to bear for me." He continued on, confessing, "Not only were the learning processes different from how I'd thought it to be, I had to live away from my paents and it was also hard to communicate because my Korean abilities were shallow."
He hadn't known that the post he'd made around then on his personal blog would come back as a giant hurricane after four years. The message he sent to his friend around the time he'd felt confused about the differences in culture saying, "Korea, I don't like Korea. I want to go back," had been made known to the public a lot later. Since that was around the time he had been putting his worth up with 2PM, the impact was that much bigger. Like the message's contents, attacks saying, 'Leave Korea' rained down on him. Finally, after four days of the start of the controversy, Park Jaebum packed his bags and left for Seattle.
At this, Park Jaebum thought of that time with, "Because I was young and stupid, I said it without thinking it through. I thought it made sense that (Korean fans) would get hurt by it. I was regretful since my Korean was improving, the food was good, and I got more friends. I was more upset because I thought I'd disappointed my parents."
It took 21 months till he could come back to the stage again. Asking him, who'd answered "destiny" about the reason he'd come back, if he didn't want to step on Korean ground again was a silly question. Park Jaebum put force behind his words with "There wasn't anything like that. I'm proud that Korean blood flows through my body."

# "Uncontacted 2PM, welcome if I see them!"
Park Jaebum told of his new start with self-made songs and album in hand. After finishing his first stage as a solo, he passed on his overflowing feelings with "It's always anticipatory to go up on stage. Even though I haven't been at the broadcast station in a long time, it doesn't feel awkward at all."
However, the six members that were with him through thick and thin aren't here now at his side. Park Jaebum represented his sorriness with "It's a bit pressing to fill the stage by myself." Currently, he is out of touch with his 2PM associates as well. He's just left hoping vaguely, "If we get to meet even coincidentally because our activities overlapped, I'll be really happy to see them." To fans and Park Jaebum alike, 2PM has become a corner of memoirs.
Thus, this album is a big turning point for Park Jaebum. He has to pull out his own colors, not as the ex-member of 2PM. Park Jaebum didn't search far and wide. Not only did he write the lyrics for the whole album, he took the position of overall producer of the album for 'TAKE A DEEPER LOOK', his first mini album with seven songs. He also flourished his musician side by composing six of the seven songs by himself.
He explained, "I wanted to show my true self, my true life, not just a simple idol Park Jaebum. I didn't particularly take any special composing lessons, but I just wrote down whatever I felt." It'd taken six months to complete his title track 'Abandoned', but after that, he'd accelerated and collected about 20 songs in total. Out of this, there are songs meant for other singers.
Smiling brightly, Park Jaebum says, "Aspiration? Plan? I don't have those. I just go with the flow. I want to live naturally and honestly while doing the things I like- dancing, rapping, hip-hop, and R&B. I want to share those feelings with a lot of people."
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