
20 March 2010

[INFO] 100320 Taecyeon posts on fan cafe 'A Killing Smile' again

Note: This post is only viewable by the upper level members of the fan cafe. The grammar might seem awkward and off but Taecyeon's Korean grammar was phrased that way and even kHottests are having trouble following his train of thought.

전 다른 전체 팬커뮤니티는
위*말고는 가입하지 않아 그 곳에 직접작성할 수는 없지만
오픈된 곳이라 읽으실 수 있을것이라 생각합니다.
저는 다른 간담회 참석한 대표자들이 지금 이 상황에 대하여 수수방관를 하고 있다는 것은 명백히 하고 싶습니다.
투피엠의 루머가 생성되는 여건을 방치하고,
투피엠에 대한 공격과 근거없는 비난을 묵과하는 것
투피엠의 루머를 퍼트리는 과정에서,
박재범군의 탈퇴와 관련한 일련의 일들이 지속적으로
세간의 입에 오르내리는 상황을 방치하는 것
팬덤 내부와 외부에서 '도대체 박재범군 탈퇴와 그 이유가 뭐냐'고 묻는 상황이
지금 처럼 발생하고 있음에도 소극적인 자세로 수수방관하는 것에 대해 안타까움을 느낍니다.
그것은 그 곳에 참석해 주고 받은 내용을 제대로 전달하지 못한 과정에서 일어난 결과물이라는 것을
분명히 하고 싶습니다.
JYP ent.와 투피엠이 배신자가 맞다는 결론을 내리는 것이 섣부른 판단이 될수가 있다는 것을
분명히 느끼셨을 줄 압니다.
간담회장에서 마지막에 덮혔던 그 절망적인 공감은
거기 참석한 모두의 것이었습니다.
간담회 직후 돌아오고나서
이 상황을 바로잡지 않고,
아니 최소한 간담회장의 전체 흐름을 설명하지도 않는 채
멤버 태도운운하는 수박 겉핥기식의 팬덤 흐름을 방치해둔것.
그것을 유도할 것이 분명한 잘려진 후기본을 공지로 배포한 것.
그것을 유도할 만한 녹취편집본이 배포되는 것을 묵과한 것.
위의 사태에 관한 책임은
JYP ent.와 투피엠이 아닌
바로 대표자님들께서 관리하시고 책임지시는
해당 사이트에
간담회 당시 상황과 감정,소감에 대해서 정확히 알려줄 책임을 망각하고 회피한 행동이 불러온 결과라는 것.
인지하시기 바랍니다.
저는 자연인 박재범군이 최선이라는 것을 거기 참석하신 대표자님들도 분명히 공감한 것으로 느꼈습니다.
그런 점을 느끼시지 못한 분들은 어쩔 수 없지만
그런 생각을 단 한 조각이라도 품고 간담회장을 나오신 대표자분이라면,
그 생각을 전하셨어야 했습니다.
그 이유가 무엇인지 대표자로써 느낀 감정이 무엇이었는지를 왜 그렇게 할 수 밖에 없는가인지를
그것이 당장 회원들의 불만과 비난과 질타가 이어진다 할지라도
지금의 선택이
박재범군을 위한 최선이라는 것일지 모른다는 것을 조금이라도 인지하셨다는 분이라면 말입니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 그 모든 것을 전달하지 않고, 이 사태를 방치한다는 것에 관하여,
과연 그것이 네 시간 동안 간담회에 참석하여 투피엠과 사측과의 대화끝에 내린
최선의 노력이었는지 나중에라도 스스로 생각해보셨으면 합니다.
단지 녹취록만 남기시려고 그 간담회장에 가신게 아니라면,
지금의 녹취록만이 전부가 아니라는 것을 전달할 노력을 했어야 한다는 것을
말씀드리고 싶습니다.
같은 자리에서 같은 말을 보고 듣고 주고 받은 참석자의 한사람으로써
깊은 실망감과 안타까움을 전합니다.

I've never personally joined any other fan community except here so I cannot write there but since this is an open board, I think that you can read it. I know clearly that the representatives that attended the conference are just standing by regarding this whole situation.

They have been neglient of the the conditions of rumors being created regarding 2PM, they have passed over groundless criticisms and attacks directed towards 2PM, and while rumors regarding 2PM have been created, conclusively, with the withdrawal regarding Park Jaebum being the talk of the town, that too, has also been neglected. And, within and outside the fandom, there have been questions asking, "What is the reason for Park Jaebum's withdrawal?" These questions are being asked and I feel extremely upset over the passive, overlooking attitude of the representatives.

I want to make it clear that the content of the conference was not passed on accurately, which is why we are in the situation that we are in. I truly thought that you would feel that deciding JYP Ent. and 2PM are traitors is a hasty decision. The last upsetting agreement that we have all covered was an agreement made by all of the participants of the conference.

For going home after the conference, and instead of making the situation right, and without even properly explaining the correct flow of the conference, and blaming the attitude of the members, the representatives have been negligent of the flow of the fandom.

Accounts that were purposely written up with edited parts. Audio recordings that were purposely released with edited parts.

The situation listed above is not the responsibility of JYP Ent. and 2PM but rather the representatives that are responsible for the fan comunities. It is because the representatives have been passive of their responsibility to correctly inform the emotions, feelings, and accounts of the conference, and this is the results that were brought about by such actions.

I have said at the conference that it is best for Park Jaebum to remain as a normal citizen, and it is also something that everyone at the conference probably agreed with. I can't do anything about the people that don't feel the same way but if you were one of the representatives that felt that way, you should have delivered that feeling. What the reason was, what you were feeling as a representative, and even if the members of your fancommunity criticize you, you should have known that this decision was the best for Park Jaebum.

Despite it all, none of the four hours of conversation that took place in the conference was properly delivered to the fandom by the representatives and I hope that those representatives will take the time on their own to think about their actions.

If the representatives truly did not go to the conference just to obtain an audio recording, I feel the need to say that they should have given their upmost effort to make sure that it is known that the audio recording is not the only thing that is important about the conference.

As a person that was in the same location at the same time, as a person that listened and heard all of the participants of the conference, I feel extremely disappointed and upset.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


Aside from the standard, "f*** off," "go away," "what a loser," "I feel like throwing up," comments, these are some of them.

- Ok Taecyeon, you're really impossible. Why do the people at the conference have to shield you? Accounts? If every single one of those people put up their own accounts, you guys are over.

- Him and Jang Wooyoung both have language retardations.

- He's really scary, isn't he? How could he even think of telling his fans that he's pissed off over something he did himself? Really, he needs to take care of the fans that are left instead of sending them off with S*** like this.

- After listening to the recording, the kids really do not know anything about speech. From their grammar to their train of thought to staying on topic to actually answering the question, I really wondered if they were a Korean male in their 20's.

- What exactly does he want us to do for him? What more do we have to do? Should we make a commotion saying that 6PM has no fault so please forgive them?

- Anyone that listened to the recording knows. He's the one that should have stepped up and acted with respect. They laughed at the fans and thought easy of them and now they're coming back and saying it's all the fans fault?

- Stop trying to escale reality... this is reality, and this is your future.

- Wait, is he talking in Korean?

- I'm really in awe with Taecyeon. His confidence can poke the sky.

- Does he have a personality disorder? It's hard to believe what I'm reading. I can now understand why Professor Son asked why there were still people that liked 6PM. I seriously wonder how a person can become so low like that. Is he seriously telling us to think of our actions? I really have no answer to him. I'm not a 2PM fan but I'm leaving this comment out of anger. Did you just say that the representatives that have pointed out your attitude during the conference are being ridiculous? Are you saying that the fact that you thought easy of your fans is just a rumor and that the actual conference was completely different?

Who knows, maybe it might be true that there were edited parts of the recording, but anyone that's a fan probably already heard of the full 4 hour conference. If, even those fans that heard it, have turned their backs on you now, what more do you have to say? How dare you even think of writing a message saying that these representatives purposely released biased accounts in order to turn the fans away from you?

If Jaebum's withdrawal was already decided by you guys, then the least you could have done was to apologize once for not being able to remain as 7 members until the end. The fans are not asking for even a sincere apology, but an apology nontheless.

so it means that th fans present @ th conference were not telling th truth?
As in... arh!!~~ As long as he's blaming th fans, right???
-.- 8((((((((((((
Ok Taecyeon, i dare you to open another conference.
And stream it LIVE!~ for everyone to see.
And use th same attitude and tones. -.-
------------- JANNICA------------


Anonymous said...

He's upset? Really? That the fans HE was rude to are mad at HIM?! The audacity of this man!

pinkbunny said...

i really don't know what this guy is thinking, adding another fuel to the situation (*sigh*) Where did Ok Daeri went, I miss the Taec who is full of PATIENCE during WILD BUNNY no matter how his member annoyed him he kept a smile on his face. Is it all for the show? You fake it? did you? I wonder how you reacted after the filming of that episode.... I'm starting to believe all SASAENG ACCOUNT now....

Raby said...

i agree with PINKBUNNY...i soooo miss the old taecyon, coz i really really hate him now!!!

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