What is 2PM members’ charming point that Victoria chose?
On MBC ’ We got married’ this week, Khuntoria carry out a dangerous housewarming party in order to entertain 2PM members.
After showing their romantic music video, Victoria starts to compliment to one of the 2PM members with her “Victoria’s exclusive praise”.
Chansung has received compliments from Victoria before,being said that he is cute.While this time, it is 2PM Junsu’s turn.
2PM Junsu received compliments from Victoria. Upon receiving the compliments,he said” this is the first time I ever receive such praise”. Unable to hide his joyous, he asked Victoria “Do you really think so?“,showing his excitement.
During Victoria “Compliment’s relay”, Nichkhun is still being chosen as her number 1 in her heart.
Housewarming party episode will be air on the 12 of February 5.10PM KST.
Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110211n07817
Translated by willily0 @ winniebar (kr-chi trans) & Valerie @ khuntorialurve (chi-eng trans)
Please credit the original source and translator when taking out.
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